Kind Ads. Take advertisement under control

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Nowadays advertisement has become an inevitable part of our life. We literally are unable to hide from it, especially on the Internet.

And that is not surprising at all, because advertising is one of the biggest industries in the world. Mankind spends approximately 600 billion US dollars a year for advertising. As the United Nations official report states, even 1/3 part of this amount of money would be enough to fight poverty and famine in the world. But who cares about that if solving social problems is not bringing any dividends.

Instead, the advertising industry keeps developing each year and becomes more and more refined, cleverly crafted and impudent. Irritating ads pop-up from every corner of the web-resource we visit. Sometimes they even make us forget why we came to a certain website in the first place. Ads reach us everywhere: on every website, in our mail, cell phones, on the streets, public transport, etc. We can't even take a breath from the weight of useless information that crosses our mind daily.


On the internet advertising has reached such a high technological level (thanks to the use of AI technologies) allowing to track users interests, that it becomes not only irritating but also frustrating sometimes. For example, if I look at some product on the internet and I like it very much. I definitely want to buy it in the distant future, if I have an opportunity. But I don't have enough money to buy it at the time. The system recognizes which products I like and starts reminding me of it every day. And it only makes me angrier not that much with the ad itself but with myself. As I start feeling like a fool and loser that I can't afford it now.

Advertisement today is so advanced that it continues to influence our mind although the majority of people deny that they can be subject to its impact. But they don't even notice this process as it flows on the subconscious level.

At the same time, the advertisement is not a pure "evil". As any other thing in the world, it has its advantages and flaws, what makes it an inevitable tool of civilizational progress. The key merit of advertising is that it delivers the information to the consumer. Without it, we wouldn't be aware of the majority of top-notch products and services because of the immense amount of information on the media and offers on the market.

The problem is that advertising has become extremely intrusive, relentless, and inefficient. It's just lost its balance. It forgot where ends its influence power and starts customer's privacy. And Kind Ads is exactly that necessary system that will bring that balance back.


What’s behind Kind Ads and how it can change the advertising industry?

Kind Ads is a sophisticated decentralized advertising platform providing user-friendly ads. The ads served by Kind Ads do not irritate the users. The platform shows only relevant ads for the particular user, based on his interests and preferences.

The ads are presented to the potential customer in the form of convenient push-notifications and mail. With Kind Ads, users can browse websites without any spams and pop-up ads, what makes the process more pleasant and not distracting from work. It is actually very kind of this new system that they don't only think about their business but also understand other people's feelings and wishes.

And the most important part is that users can choose which information they would like to receive or to share with advertisers/publishers while getting rewards for that.

Thus, users can feel free from instant spam attacks and focus on their browsing through the Internet. But what about advertisers and publishers? Are there any benefits for them?

online advertising in laptop and mobile gadget (1).jpg

Benefits for advertisers and publishers

The primary benefit of Kind Ads platform is that it gathers advertiser and publisher together directly and without any intermediaries involved. Why is that so good? Cutting off the middleman allows the two parties to reach a transparent agreement without any hidden terms and benefits. For instance, the middleman can receive a very generous offer from the advertiser, save the bigger part of the reward to himself, and suggest the publisher cooperation on regular terms. Unfortunately, nowadays this way of collaboration is mostly based on lies and hidden profits. And Kind Ads will become a reliable tool to avoid such experiences in the future and ensure fair, mutually beneficial partnership.

Without the middleman, expenses of the advertisers will decrease while the publisher's income will increase. Both parties will definitely benefit from lower fees and will realize the difference from the very first use of Kind Ads System. As I say, the fewer members are involved in the business chain, the higher is the income.

The advertiser will be able to choose which publisher to pick based on its rating, reputation, and audience.

Without the middleman, delays in payments or even fraudulent behavior won't happen again. Why can I be so sure? Because Kind Ads uses smart contracts to conclude a deal between the parties, which are executed automatically by the system once both parties fulfilled their obligations. Isn't that just great? Isn't it the service we all are looking for?

Thus, the absence of the third parties alongside with the well-organized platform incentivizing all the parties involved in the advertising process will make it more transparent, easier, profitable and result-oriented.

Moreover, Kind Ads has already prepared for users of their platform ready-made integrations with the top publishers like PushCrew, AWeber, MailChimp, Subscribers, and Campaign Monitor.


KIND tokens' value

The KIND token is an Ethereum blockchain based token responsible for the functionality and efficiency of the Kind Ads Ecosystem. It guarantees all the payments between users, advertisers and publishers made within the platform.

The KIND token will allow users to opt in and opt out of the Kind Ads Platform, will allow the advertisers to pay for ads from publishers within the System, and will allow the publishers to get paid daily for the work done. All the earned KIND tokens users or publishers will be able to monetize freely by withdrawing it on a cryptocurrency exchange and exchange it for traditional fiat money.

The advertisers' necessity to buy KIND tokens to pay for the ads will definitely ensure stability of KIND and its price. Therefore, I think the users of this platform do not have to worry about possible devaluation of the token, 'cause we have all the grounds to consider that this service will attract lot of advertisers.

Due to the Kind Ads, the advertising industry will have all the chances to become more "polite" with its customers, stop dictating people what to do and start focusing on what they really need. I hope that Kind Ads will extend convenient solutions and trends for the advertising to become more efficient and closer to its target demographic. If the advertising industry learns how to "deliver" certain ads directly to that circle of people who truly needs it, the expenses of the advertisers will become lower but the income - significantly higher, while the number of annoyed and frustrated people will decrease. And maybe after that we will be able to save a little money from those 600 billion dollars spent annually for advertising, to spend it on things that really matter and finally make our planet a better place.


More Information and Resources:

Kind Ads Website
Kind Ads Whitepaper
Kind Ads Twitter
Kind Ads Telegram
Kind Ads FAQ

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