Blockchain = Utopia? Well… I see a tough path.

in #blockchain7 years ago

I’ve noticed there are a lot of blockchain and cryptocurrency projects out there right now, which is awesome! It’s amazing technology that will shape the future, of this there is no doubt. I’d think it’s rare to live in a time in which so many utopian visions for the world have an actual shot at changing the world.

With that said, there’s a problem. I’m not talking about the technical side of things either, because I’ve very little idea about that side of things. No, the problem is the same as it has always been. The problem is power.
Specifically, those who have it don't want things to change. Most of the utopian visions I mentioned end up supplanting the power structures that already exist. They simply gloss over this problem with the statement: “If people get on board, they won’t be able to stop it.” It’s almost the same everywhere. The problem, as I see it, is that this is simply not true. The amount of power held by the world powers right now is so immense, they can easily stop any cryptocurrency they want. Just imagine how much a bitcoin would be worth if the act of having one was a felony in every major country, or even just in some. If these blockchains become a threat, that is one mechanism to stop them that would prove effective.

Every scenario I game out in my mind ends with those with power now finding a way to keep that power. In many cases, the blockchain becomes a mechanism to help them maintain their power. Microsoft is pursuing this vigorously, and every other tech company will follow soon I think. Consider that anything any of these dreamy-eyed coders can do, Apple can hire a small army to do it better and has the old-system wealth and power to artificially inflate any cryptocurrency they create such that nobody cares about the really cool one some guy made in his garage that has no customer support and can’t compete on value. So, what do we do to prevent this dystopian future?

In all the scenarios I’ve run through in my mind, there is only one that I see with the possibility of creating the utopian society many of the blockchain revolutionaries are chasing. That involves the first problem (government) taking out the second problem (corporate power) and then succumbing to the will of the people. It won’t be easy, but here’s how I see it being possible.

First, we need to create a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency specifically to be used as a political party. Why a political party? Because:

  1. New political parties spring up all the time and are always overlooked by the establishment.
  2. By being a political party, any regulations that government could implement to stop it would have terrible optics and be political suicide (at least in the US). This will provide the necessary cover from Government regulation.
  3. As a political party it would be 100% representative of the people within it and organize itself 1000% more efficiently than the D/R’s can, which translates eventually to a tremendous political advantage.
  4. A political party can eventually hold the reins of power, and thus create the change we all want.
  5. I will expand on this more in future posts, but implementing a UBI within this design is nothing short of utopian.

Would love to hear what you think about this. Leave me a comment and we can get into it. 😊