in #blockchain7 years ago


Would you be shocked to learn that the Bilderberg Group is moving behind the scenes to exercise control over Bitcoin and ultimately blockchain? Kent Lewiss is the founder of and the 1776 token and he says, "The bankers don't want to destroy Bitcoin, they want to control it."

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LUKE 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.


I was hoping with the Government Shutdown they would take a break on the spraying but I saw them spraying off and on today where I live.

Interesting comment on the spraying, I think you may be onto something there. My guess is that if the US government is funding the spraying directly, there will be a cool down (20- 30 days), before the contractors are put on hold. Sometimes in my industry payment can be as far out as 90 days without penalty, so expect the spraying to continue until a payment is actually missed.

They were spraying last night here in Virginia Beach.

Thanks Sean for mentioning Steemit in this excellent video. Really look forward to hearing my phone notify me of when you post you latest video on youtube. Then I wait to upvote it hear on Steemit. Your guest mentioned chemtrails and the Aluminum and Barium; well check out what those 2 elements spell out.


This is where Bitcoin is going. This is the opposite of why we signed up for Bitcoin or any other crypto for that matter:

Bitcoin is a slow motion train wreck where the workarounds will just take us back to the old system in a slightly different way rather than the fully disintermediated peer-to-peer systems that we need for the future. We must be constantly on the lookout for and in support of technologies that give us incredibly fast, true peer-to-peer transactions along with complete privacy. This is the only way to keep crypto from becoming a tool of the Luciferians in government, banking, and corporations that control our systems almost fully today. By the way, calls for crypto regulation is also a Trojan horse being recommended by assclown shills like James Altucher that are just rebranded Wall Streeters that look to cash in as Lame Stream Media "Bitcoin experts."

We also need to call out any cryptos that are driving directly or indirectly the objectives of UN Agenda 2030 which includes: RFID / sensored tracking, the Internet of Things, food control, personal biometrics of any type, storing of personal data on the blockchain, the sharing economy, the tiny living / no ownership movement, etc. All these efforts are what are what have been long planned as methods to control humanity as part of the NWO in the making. For us therefore, it can't be just about just making money off cryptos, it must also be about deciding to only support projects that will not make use of or normalize future NWO enslavement technologies. If we don't do this, what is coming next in conjunction with crypto will be our societal doom.

If you need a good translation of UN Agenda 2030, Aaron and Melissa Dykes have done a quick starter here and a MUST WATCH video here:

One more very important thing.. Thanks a lot Sean for having on Kent, calling out the UN Agenda 2030, and for tying it back into how cryptos are planned to be used for the NWO objectives. It's very much appreciated.

Hey Sean,
I love the SGT report on Youtube and I just found you here on Steemit via Titus Frost, this is great brother! I will Follow, Upvote and Resteem you after this comment. Here's wishing you all the best to you and yours in 2018!
Danny Zale ~ @factcheck

@sgtreport Thanks Sean. Don't want any of his 1776 tokens. I am OK with STEEM Tokens and SBD.

Why do you keep bringing these doom porn fudsters on, man? Especially this guy. He thinks the government is going to take over bitcoin, but not his shitcoin? LMFAO!

nice interview. very informative and shockingly horrible with the agenda by the powers that be. eventually, these people won't back off in controlling us and enslave us.

nice video on bitcoin.keep it on