Curation With Style: The Best of the Unmentionables Ep. 5 (23/9/17)

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Warning: This curation list may cause an insatiable desire to join The Unmentionables and improve your writing - reader beware.

The best of The Unmentionables content (23/9/17) - curated with love.

(Huge thanks to @enchantedspirit for becoming our group curator - be sure to give her a follow and some love!)


The Curator's Choices

Like most social innovations, the idea of a Universal Basic Income is controversial. Some see it as the next step on the road to serious social disintegration. Others see it as an idea whose time has come. Lately the waters have been further muddied by a similar sounding concept in The Expanse -- a series of science fiction novels that has become a TV series. In this relevant and readable essay, @scottsantens clarifies the difference between UBI and what those in this fiction world call "basic support" or "Basic."

It's important that we not confuse the two, although I fear that's exactly what will happen as the series' concept and language spread. So whether you're a strong advocate of UBI or a believer in more traditional structures, it's important to know for sure what you're arguing about. This essay will help you separate fact from fiction. Thank goodness!


The Expanse's Basic Support vs. Basic Income


"What if I told you that there is a platform which has been designed for Steemians to be able to sell their digital products on the Steem blockchain directly!" asks @pisolutionsmru.

Do I hear the sound of wild cheering and applause?? Well, maybe you should check this out if you have "products" you'd like to turn into profit! Make his experience your experience. This nicely illustrated article shows you how.


Selling your design, photography, source code for SBD
Here is how!



The reading list is full of questions tonight. Here's another from @mountainwashere -- "What's the most important invention of the 20th Century?"

The history books will say it's the atom bomb, but they might be wrong. @mountainwashere puts forward the argument that it was really the Haber-Bosch process. Never heard of it? Neither had I. (I learn something new and interesting every time I visit this writer's blog.)

Find out what the Haber-Bosch process is ... and why it's so important. You may still have other candidates to argue over about the most important invention of the past century ... but you may also decide this one deserves a space on the debate roster.

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The World's Most Important Invention:
How We Think About Technology



Dex the Dachshund captured the hearts of our readers when he photobombed one of @bwars illustrations recently. So now you get a chance to meet Dex again ... and his sister Sasha ... and the rest of the house-and-farmyard crew.

For those of us who call pets "family" -- and I claim the World Championship on that one ... just be aware -- this photo essay is irresistible. Drop by and say hello. (Good job, Dex. I'll slip you your treat under the table.)


Meet the Pets!


Ironic, I know -- putting this one in line right behind the one on how much we love our fur-kids, but some of us mourn the loss of those more than we did our parents. Put me in that category, too. (Long, terrible story. Don't ask.) @ajdohmen knows the feeling -- and writes about it with grace and compassion.

"Yes, for some of us, our pets are people too. They are our family. They are our children, and there is nothing strange about that."

If you're one of us (and you'll know it!), you'll find a kindred spirit here. Even if the topic is tough.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi


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Pet Death - Losing a Family Member


Well ... now we come to the crypto part of our program. (You knew it was bound to happen, right?)

If crypto-speak makes your eyes glaze over (and for sure there is plenty of it in the Steem-osphere), listen up. This is a concept with the potential to revolutionize the economic and financial structures as we know them. It's a way people can take power back from those jealously hoarding it in government and put it back where it belongs -- in their own hands, in their own pockets. The sociologist in me is fascinated by this whole concept and the cultural experiment that's driving it.

If you need to start understanding this idea and how to work with it, the head of the trail is here. Ultimately, this path could take you on the journey of a lifetime. Beginners ... be aware. "Engage" ( -- spoken in my best impression of Jean-Luc Picard's inimitable voice.)

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Cryptocurrency for Newbies
What is It, And Why Should I Care?



@tremendospercy -- our own resident Renaissance man with his finger in many pies -- continues this conversation. The coming world economic crisis is now the worst-kept secret ever. It's really no longer a matter of "if" ... it's a question of "when" -- and how hard it will be when it hits. Add this article to your reading list and add its valuable suggestions to your financial survival skills.

@tremendospercy is a man with a message. He writes well. You've made it this far. If you don't at least stop and listen a moment, you have only yourself to blame.

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Fiat currency is dying
How will YOU manage when the paper
in your wallet becomes worthless?
Are you protected?



Ok, I admit this one got my vote because of its beautiful pictures. They remind me of the grape arbor that used to grow in my grandmother's backyard -- and another in her neighbor's backyard that gave her the inspiration.

The grape crops are among the most wonderful memories of my childhood -- and they continued for decades after my grandmother passed on. These photos put me back there again, past more years than I'll admit to while sober. I hope you enjoy them, too.


Visit to a Grape Plantation


Panda's Picks

When the story starts off with X-rays, you know somewhere close there's a problem. This problem hit our dear Panda -- @fatpandadesign and wizard extraordinaire behind @unmentionable and The Unmentionables. He's a cuddly little pooh-bear who deserved lots better than this. He won't tell about his trouble, but fortunately, @perennial will.

If you don't know how hard this guy has worked for you and under what handicaps, here's your chance to catch up on the saga. You could also drop an up-vote here if you've a mind to help. Come to think of it, any stray UVs you could spare and drop on any of these accounts would be more than welcome. TYVM!


Benjamin Schwartz aka fatpandadesign
We are here for you (Part II)



Want to create your own Discord bot? @codingdefined is here to help. He's been a tremendous help to our group. Panda (of a million names) can't say enough good things about him. I know absolutely nothing about coding or bots or how any of this works, but I'm tempted to learn because sometimes the bots in here hold better conversations than my husband. (Make more sense than he does, too. Just sayin'.)

If this intellectual challenge appeals to you -- or if loneliness has got you down. Help has arrived. Here at The Unmentionables, we cover all the bases! (Psst!! You can join us here on -- Discord )


Let's Learn How to Create a Discord Bot


Visit our past posts!

Curation With Style No. 4
Curation With Style No. 3
Curation With Style No. 2


Would you like the chance to see one of your posts featured here? Join our friendly writing-and-curating group The Unmentionables. Find us here: @unmentionable. Join us here -- [on Discord].( It's quick. It's easy. And you'll be glad you did. Three of the best reasons I can think of off the top of my head!

We hope to meet you soon on our dedicated Discord server -- where our awesome Welcome bot Mee6 will greet you and get you started. Then a real human will hustle along to help you further. At least that's how it's supposed to work. If the room is empty when you arrive, give it a few. Eventually someone's bound to notice.


The author of this list of curated posts by members of The Unmentionables is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog. The opinions here are strictly hers ... but they're also very true!





Instantly Impressed!

I only joined #TheUnmentionables a couple days ago and was instantly impressed by how they support their members.

Of course, they are active and supportive of members. How so, you ask?

Most Discord and Steemit Chat groups allow you to add your story to their post promotion and limit it to one share per day, or one share per story, or something similar to that. That leads to a lot of shares and not many people actually reading, commenting, contributing, and upvoting.

#TheUnmentionables are different!

When you share your story with #TheUnmentionables, you have to verify that you have upvoted two other member's posts before you are allowed to share.

Awesome idea!

I didn't want to just upvote anyone for the chance to share my story. I wanted to make sure my upvotes and reputation are associated with storytellers whom I respect and agree with. I wanted to find those share a similar interest with me. That was easy! There are a TON of people on their Discord Server, all with different writing styles and perspectives.

Won't you come join us at #TheUnmentionables?

Here is the link to our server! See you there!

This group is so special! Happy you found us!

A nice selection again, with great variety of styles and content!!

Great post thank you for the insight. I'm looking forward to this event great!!!

Great as always. Thanks for the mention

It feels good to be featured again.


Looks like I have a lot of cool stuff to go through. Thanks for this, @unmentionable and also to our awesome curating rock star @enchantedspirit! \m/

To those of you reading this, seriously...join this damn group. We're that awesome!

Where's my toaster?

Thanks for including me again! Pretty diverse selection again, I like it!

Thank you so much for the mention.
The other works are of the highest quality, briiliant choices.
Great job.

again a very nice list with good reads.