I joined ONSTELLAR with a lot of enthusiasm when it first came out.
The project remains in Beta mode and might have experienced some stagnation. I believe in this project and wish it well. It is a nice platform that I hope will continue to grow.
They did a relatively recent post requesting constructive comments from its users on what they can do to make ONSTELLAR better.
I personally like ONSTELLAR's interface (its sort of a hybrid between Facebook and SteemIt) but think the platform can do with more attention and quality content creators.

Tips & Karmic Readjustments
ZCash: t1L1VvnuAKj8uH6Z4hCbG49hsadYWkaF3GR
Ethereum: 0xb7b4f90c1eb1c7a271456b95f16a8d4e4afcb444

I am also on ONSTELLAR:
"The world's first decentralized social media platform, focusing exclusively on the extraordinary, the profound and the metaphysical."
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