BLOCK-CHAINS | A Conspiracy Writing Contest IV (100 STEEM in prizes)

in #blockchains-contest7 years ago (edited)


Technology is a double-edged sword.

It works for us and against us.

It increases communication and also isolation.

It saves us time. It wastes our time.

It brings us together. It rips us apart

This is true of the Blockchain, which has the potential to provide
people with unparalleled freedom or facilitate humanity's total enslavement.

In recent weeks, I've noticed people becoming aware of the possible dangers blockchain technology could pose and how it could be used as a tool of subjugation.

There are already signs that that banksters and power elite are executing plans to infiltrate, manipulate and subvert blockchain technologies.

Goldman Sachs backed Circle has just bought Poloniex and there are sure to be more major moves to infiltrate the cryptosphere, manipulate the markets, gain influence, flood the market with government backed cryptocurrencies, mimic decentralization and initiate deliberate attempts to crash the markets, all in an effort to regain complete control of the financial sector and world economy.

Still, others openly speculate if cryptocurrencies themselves, and the promise of freedom that comes with them, are nothing more than a technological trojan horse planned in advance by the NWO and quietly introduced to usher in a world currency.

Perhaps, even a case of predictive programming as the Rothschild publication The Economist indicated 30 years ago.

2018 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony

It's time.

This is the fourth installment of the Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest and as always I eagerly await your submissions.


In the latest edition of the 'Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest', I would like to hear your visions of dystopia on the blockchain, how cryptocurrencies could be used to imprison humanity or ways in which blockchain technology could be exploited to the benefit of a select few and to the detriment of the many.


Must Resteem this Post

Must Keep the submission to 2000 words or less

Limited to one contest entry per account

Submissions must be made in an original post (not in comments)

Submissions have to include the lead tag "blockchains-contest"

Contest Ends - 7 days from this posting


Winning submissions will meet the rules criteria

Winners will be announced 9 days from the time of posting

Prizes and Categories

Overall Best (First Prize - 50)

Biggest Mindfuck (20)

Funny As Hell (20)

Best Style / Tone (10)

Best Line (10)

Bonus @v4vapid upvotes/resteems also in the mix
All Kinds of Entries are welcome
Just be sure to include some conspiracy elements!

With each and every installment of this contest, the bar is raised and it becomes increasingly more difficult to choose winners amongst so many quality entries. At the same time, there are more and more entries every time so please be patient before the winners are announced.

This contest came about through conversations with fellow steemians @tarazkp and @son-of-satire. I'd like to thank them for giving me both inspiration for the contest and for their writings on the subject which I also greatly enjoyed.

A hole in the blockchain steemconnect please take the time it is important

Blockchained an original short story

Past Winners

The Ultimate Psy-Op @rhondak
Postcards from Rio

Welcome to Antarctica - @jordan.lesich
Dance into the Devine

What Happened to Malaysia Flight 370? - @pulpworx
Flight of the Wrong Chords

images: - the event chronicle - -




Another corker of a contest buddy.

I used to write mostly fiction but now only bother for your contests buddy.

I’m looking forward to seeing the entries in this one. It’s interesting how the dirtbags that control the current economic paradigm are leeching their way into the blockchain space, maybe they’ve been there the whole time.

You’re gonna have a lot of work to do V, I reckon a lot of folks are gonna have a go at this one.

I’m in dude, resteemed.

wow. Every picture in this post has it's own importance and are very good in it's own places.

Many of mankind's greatest technologies started as tools of liberation, only to be bastardized by one elite social order or another to subjugate the masses.

The printing press once liberated our minds from the dogma of the middle ages, now we have mass media. Capitalism, banks, and the merchant classes once helped remove Western Civilization out from under thumb of the Church and Monarchs, now we have a corporate ruling class and banking cartels that buy and sell our leaders like used cars.

I've always been skeptical over the claim that blockchain is inherently good. Every tool of liberation can sew the seeds of oppression. Tech is tech, it's all in how we use it.

Fiction and cautionary tales allow us to look into the future and anticipate the traps and devices before they use it on us. Think Orwell. Think Huxley. I wish I had the time to commit to this contest, as I think it's the most important conversation to be had here on steemit.

My sincere thanks to @v4vapid for bringing this to the forefront. And to all the contestants, best of luck.

I think I should have asked you to write my intro, well said!

Hey, how very different. And interesting. Legitimately. More of this to Steemit.

I made a promise to myself to only work on my on-going project for now and pay less attention to Steemit, but this got my wheels turning.

I have nothing substantial right now, but I may try something out if I came up with a good enough premise.

I got something for ya Bruv ; )

Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 12.43.50 PM.png

I appreciate the sentiment, and I understand your motives for "taking an extended break from this shithole" I'm also dismayed when I see the trending page when I know that there are really talented people here that deserve much more attention and who's work we can be proud of.

I'm glad this contest resonates with you as I was hoping it would with every writer/aspiring writer out there!

As with every one of these contests, my hope is to bring out the best in the Steemit community and provide a platform for up and coming writers.

Aha, very cool. My entry in your previous contest dealt with government control of crypto.'s time for a sequel :)

Adding mine here. Thank you for the contest and writing opportunity @v4vapid!

Nothing is Free

Yes! That was an excellent piece by the way... definitely an inspiration for the contest as well.

I think people should have another look at 'constructing the invisible' -

damn good story!

Thank you for remembering it and digging up the link. There were some great stories that came out of that competition; I expect quite a few submissions for this fourth contest. Hope you're well stocked in your vice of choice and can set a few days aside for reading :)

Oh man, yeah there's a LOT of reading already... i imagine there will be a ton of last minute entries as well... i have to start taking notes to remember what's what!

Anyways, I hope you find the time to make an entry this time around too :)

I will definitely be entering; I'm in the midst of revisions right now :)

Over on The Writers Block, some of the folks that run contests will make a spreadsheet with links of all the contest entries to keep them all in one place, then you can add your notes/thoughts to each entry in another column, mark which ones were 'funny as hell' or 'best tone' etc to match your prize categories. Then you can separate all those 'good' ones out as contenders as you go along so you can choose from them in your final pass through to select your winners.

Once you start getting dozens of entries it's hard to remember the first story you read once you get to your 50th, I'd imagine, so a spreadsheet to keep track does help.

Maybe you already do something similar anyway though :)

But what if this contest is a way to trick us into revealing what we know and suspect them of doing now, and giving them ideas to steal and ways to hide their plans within schemes to further conceal their movements as they entrap those of us who know too much?


Bring it all down, bring it all down!

Thank you for the mention @v4vapid, it is appreciated.

These contests are a great way to get people thinking about other sides of life, counter-points to their held beliefs so thank you for incentivizing wider thought.

Here is my entry:

Damn you work fast! I wish I was able to put together pieces a often as you do.

And yeah, thanks to you as well for planting the seeds to others as well. Obviously, none of us would be here if we didn't believe in crypto and the blockchain but it doesn''t mean that it's infallible. There are all kinds of things happening in the space as we speak, for good, evil and greed.

If there is work to do on something, why wait? I spent enough of my life procrastinating and getting nowhere.

I am not very technically capable but there is a lot of opportunity and value to come and I am hoping it is able to break the status quo. However, this also comes with risks and to ignore the negative is to be surprised when our repetitive actions lead us there. Greed is the major one as for the most part, our actions have been trained in a society dominated by it so to have different, the learned habits need to change.

I would rather not share my most brilliant ideas for world domination that I couldn’t never bring myself to use! They’ve probably thought of them already but just in case, I’d rather not egg them on!

I do love that not everyone is blindly all over blockchain like it’s the messiah. It could solve all our problems, but only if we change a whole lot about how we interact with each other and function as a society. That’s why I am here, to work towards that.

This contest is still probably a good idea as long as none of the ideas are too smart and reach those who could abuse them, it’ll wake some more people up to the potential danger soon of the blockchain. And not surprised to see @son-of-satire involved in this kind of thing :-).

just take the second best idea ;)

I would rather not share my most brilliant ideas for world domination that I couldn’t never bring myself to use!

DM me ;)

The last time I wrote fiction was for your previous looks like you may be tempting me to write once more