Blockchain's capital partners say that bitcoin can easily redeem more than $ 50,000 by 2018


"There's certainly a thesis that suggests that a lot of the value accrues to the underlying protocols like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin," he said. "But I think that there is a lot of value accruing to the businesses built on top of these networks. The Ripples of the world, the Coinbases of the world, are worth a significant amount of capital right now."


"Tentu ada tesis yang menunjukkan bahwa banyak nilai timbul pada protokol yang mendasarinya seperti bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin," katanya. "Tapi saya pikir ada banyak nilai yang diperoleh dari bisnis yang dibangun di atas jaringan ini. Ripples dunia, Coinbases of the world, layak mendapat modal dalam jumlah besar saat ini."