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RE: Pros and cons of two versions of Steem Proposal System

in #blocktrades5 years ago (edited)

I favor using current inflation mechanics and allocate a portion on some of the newly generated STEEM. Donation model won't be enough to sustain the proposals.

But the question is what will we cut off? Witness rewards? Author rewards? I am not sure about that topic yet.

On a side note, if you want to have a talk about using dPoll, and need help with organizing or requirements (stake based voting is not there yet, I can focus on shipping it in the next couple of days.) I am on as @emrebeyler, and emrebeyler#9263 on Discord.


I'm not comfortable delaying the first poll for too long: I'd like to start it within 24 hours from this post (after we've had enough initial discussion to have informed voting).

But there's a good chance I will want to run more stake-weighted polls in the near future, and if your implementation meets my needs, I'd be very happy to use it. On a related note, it might be a good option to have a way for the poller to specify a "discussion period" before allowing votes (similar to the way I'm delaying the polling post until there's been a chance for everyone to express an opinion here and read other people's ideas).

Also, in case it's not clear, I'm looking for a polling system where people can also read opinions about the poll options from people other than the poller.

I see, current version of dPoll missing 2 features we need:

  • stake based result view
  • discussion thread

Both are on to do list and will be deployed upcoming weeks.

stake based result view

Are you thinking it counts the rshares of the votes on said comment or the mvests behind the accounts voting with any %? I've thought about this in the past and the second is obviously better due to voting power never really being at or close to 100% for many accounts on the network.

dpoll doesn't work with upvotes. so the owned vests of the account will be the metric.

Interesting: I didn't know that comments also competed on lists like "hot list" on steemit.