Alre Platform: Protecting Your Data.

in #blockxhain4 years ago


Privacy of our personal data has always been important. For this reason people put locks on filling cabinets, rent safety deposit boxes, phones and computers. But with digitization of our data and the sharing of information online, data privacy is taking on greater importance.
Some Companies and Organizations can posses the personal data/informatuon of millions of customer, for this reason these data has to be kept private in other to assure customers identities stay safe and protected and the reputation of the company stays intact but cyber attacks makes data privacy not just a business concern but individuals too.
As civilians we have a lot to loose when it comes to data privacy, the more we know the pros and construction the better we will be able to protect ourselves from large number of risks.

What is data privacy?
Data privacy is the handling of information or data based on its level of importance.
For instance, sharing your name with a stranger in other to be acquitted but there other information you won't share like where you live, your bank account etc at least not until you become more acquainted to the person. But when it comes to opening a social media account or bank account, you will be asked to share a lot more information beyond your name.
As the world becomes more digitized, we could apply the principal of data privacy to crucial personal information also known as personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI). This can include Social Security numbers, health and medical records, financial data, including bank account and credit card numbers, and even basic, but still sensitive, information, such as full names, addresses and birthdates. The list of personal information can be expensive.


For businesses and organizations, data privacy crosses the ocean more beyond the PII of its employees and customers, it also entails the information that helps the company operate and whether it's proprietary research and development data or financial information that shows how it’s spending and investing its money.

Why is data privacy important?
When critical data that should be kept safe goes inti the wrong hands all heaven may break loose and bad things can happen. A data breach at government agency can, for a fact put top secret information in the hands of the enemy state. Breaching of data in businesses, organizations can put proprietary data into the hands of their competitors and for individuals could put their self at risks even our life's and at school could put students’ PII in the hands of criminals who could commit identity theft. A breach at a hospital or doctor’s office can put PHI in the hands of those who might misuse it.


How Alre Protects Your Data:
AIre is an ecosystem centered around data banks and their users.It provides functionality for data banks so that they can operate effectively and transact with businesses and individuals. AIre provides functionality for management and storage of various data structures in “data banks”, which are essentially a business to monetize data. Network participants can access and build on AIre via custom-built applications or directly through proprietary APIs. This provides a flexible framework which makes it easy for companies to build their business scenarios and applications with powerful insights from data Analytics.


Functionalities of Alre:
• Information Input: Users can input basic personal informa￾tion such as gender and address, answers from questionnaires, text from blogs, and links to social media accounts. In turn, based on the information inputs and frequency of utilization, they will receive tokens as incentives. AIre is designed to handle high throughput and complex data structures from emerging technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence with the consent of the user, including location data from smartphones, healthcare data from smartwatches, as well as payments and web browsing history
• Information Storage: Information is stored in the data bank system. To preserve the integrity of data, the system will automatically calculate hash values for the data and store it in on a blockchain. This allows anyone with the data to verify whether or not it has been tam￾pered with.


• Information Utilization: Proprietary AIre APIs allow companies to integrate their businesses and applica￾tions with data banks or even offer their own data bank services. The ecosystem will allow technologies to handle different business scenarios, such as implementa￾tion of W3C DID standards, or reputation and scoring system frameworks. The network keeps an immutable record of which participants have been granted access to which data and subsequently which rewards have been distributed to which data providers.


The philosophy of the AIre project is a desire to improve well-being for people around the world, not only physically, but also mentally and socially. AIre’ s vision is to empower individuals through the rights to their data and the value their data holds.
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Writers Username: Chika08