If I Were Elected President....

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Here's a general layout of My Agenda if I were elected President of the United States in 2020 and I sort of get into an anti-capitalism rant towards the end, still, I consider my logic sound.

Block-chain based public voting system - immediate testing as alternative to electoral/representative system

Automatic voter registration and mandatory voting. If we can require people to have auto insurance and dictate what they consume then we can require people to vote and make it as easy as possible.

No more political parties, lobbies, or think tanks
No more campaign fundraisers
We're going to have a long talk about the entire campaign process and how we can do it better. Efficient and fair will be the only goals.

Abolish foundations and all other corporate/estate tax haven type loop holes

Corporations will no longer have the rights of people.

Free Top level education available to all.

Abolish the Federal Reserve/Central Banks/Fractional Reserve Banking. We can print our own money instead of having it loaned to us by a private institution which practically creates it out of thin air.

All debt reset to zero - No more credit / lending / inflation. We're going to make a life of luxury for all both affordable and sustainable

All troops home, all foreign bases closed.

All resources previously used for foreign base operation will be reallocated for use by Veteran Affairs including personnel when appropriate.

Pending an extensive public review of all current aid programs, No more support for any country anywhere, period. We can re-visit the idea once we've gotten things truly sorted out here at home.

Institution of a zero waste policy where ever whenever possible.

Immediate departure from use of all fossil fuels for anything.

Embrace & propagate solar/wind/hydro power generation. Research all possibilities for sustainable free abundant energy.

Institution of cryptocurrency based basic income.

We're going to explore new and interesting ways of moving away from centralized power wherever and whenever we can, up to and including the presidency and it s going to be a very open and very public process.

Design a block-chain based resource distribution system/economy and begin testing on a voluntary basis as an alternative to a monetary based economy.

I would like to explore the idea of all corporations being required to transition to worker co-ops. Every one who works there receives equal pay and has an equal say in company decisions. Working hard and reaping the rewards is one thing. Paying the “many” to work harder and harder for the “few” enabling insatiable greed is quite another, and that’s what’s going on now. That’s the precious American dream hard at work in our modern age. To me it's nothing more then Slavery for the Modern Age. Presidents, Prime ministers, CEO and Board Directors have jobs that can be and quite often are done while playing golf. Clearly this is not a difficult job. This a job of inclusion, this a job of who you know and more often then not, which family you were born into. For this task involving an opulent life of leisure they are paid millions per year while the people actually doing the “work” live paycheck to paycheck performing tasks that destroy their mind, body, or both. As a result the current incarnation of Capitalism is breeding a nation of people desperate to get rich as it's the only escape from the hell of the “have nots”. The inefficiencies of this system are too numerous to mention and the horrifying lives that must be endured as a result in my mind demand immediate correction, right now, today.

Everybody drop what you're doing and lets get this done.

It could be that simple. A viral change of consciousness, a viral change of purpose. I can see it, I know others can to, my idea's are not original. I can’t help wondering what the world would be like if someone truly benevolent were in charge. I'm not talking socialism, communism and certainly not fascism or any other previously tried ism. Ultimately, they're all based on money and inherently the centralization of power. You can have global projects without global government once you remove money from the equation and you can remove money from the equation once you introduce equally available abundance and despite what the bankers and captains of industry would have us believe, this is in fact totally possible right now however it's not "profitable".

No one should have to do anything that sucks. That’s my driving principal in life. In my ideal world that would be the driving principle in politics and economics as well. That includes sitting around being bored. No one should have to be bored. If we all decided to put the religious ideology none of us can prove and all the stupid things we’ve done in the name of those beliefs and so called ideals and national values etc., push all our divisions aside for a bit and ask ourselves, “How awesome can I make life for everyone today?”. Ponder that for a while. Everyone just forgets everything that separates us and for a while as a sort of experiment we all adopt the attitude of….”how awesome can I make life for everyone today?” For a moment imagine no barriers to this ideal and then imagine what it could be like. I’m not even saying things “should” be this way, but aren’t you just a little bit curious what it would be like? Competition has been the driving factor for pretty much all of history and I would argue none of it was necessary and we could in fact be much farther along as a species on all fronts had the spirit of cooperation ever been allowed to truly thrive. I don’t think it even really needs to be nurtured as much as it needs to Not be strangled to death by every government that has ever come into power ever.

I just find it funny that all governments are always “talking” about unity and bringing all nations together but then seem to quite obviously go out of there way to insure that never ever happens. I don’t think a one world government is what we need to fear. Instead we have One World Banks in control of the money supply of All governments. Those governments then attempt to dictate how the populace behaves and the populace rebels and so the banks finance the revolution and then finance a new government to do the same thing all over again and on it goes. The constant are the Banks. The constant is the attempt to make everybody do as they're told and generally live the same way and currently the only purpose this serves is to make us good employees/consumers/slaves which I personally think is a pretty lame excuse for all the destruction and suffering incurred by a society based on and now dependent on, constantly growing consumerism.

The only solid argument I can find for having a profit based resource distribution system is so some people can make most of the money doing the least amount of work. Capitalism allows someone to pay someone else to do work that the payee then profits off of while the worker actually performing a tangible necessary function makes no monetary gain, does not get ahead. The worker just gets by allowing them to continue working to make someone else rich. You can argue how capitalism “is supposed to work” all day long but this is in fact how it actually works, always, no matter how many different ways you try it. Competition in fact breeds fear which stifles growth. Sure a few people thrive and become corporate giants but mostly it stifles.

If this was the best we could do then by all means everyone just needs to get over it and do their fair share earning their survival. I do not believe we are anywhere even remotely close to the best we can do. Life is a struggle and has been for some time, not because it needs to be but because some people have always insisted on organizing earth's human population into groups and then turning them against each other either through manufactured social ideological differences or manufactured shortages. Rarely have a people ever “demanded” their government go to war but rather time and time again the people are at best manipulated and coerced but more often forced whether through mandatory service or draft. The poorest with no other opportunity are always the first to go. This is how capitalism (the current incarnation of “elite” rule) regularly culls the population profiting off the destruction and then profiting again off the rebuilding. The global economy is literally dependent on continuous global conflict and could not survive with out it.

Humanity on the other hand could survive just fine without it.

As long as profit remains a legitimate conceptual ideal then yes shortage of resources will remain a legitimate concern. Capitalism legitimizes liberal government to keep the “greedy people” in check, of course that is not how it plays out. Instead money becomes an integral part of governments allowing the “greedy people” to actually control the government in stead of the other way around. It's the concept of money itself that enables this inevitability in any government and or economy where money is introduced as the basis for resource distribution.

So lets say we said shove it to the entire global economy, hit the reset button and start over from scratch but the global manufacturing, distribution, and research infrastructure is intact, and at our collective disposal. Now lets say the world agreed to have me oversee the whole thing. Fear not, especially you ultra wealthy folks, yes you'll lose your power, sorry, tough beans, that aside, I'm not interested in revenge, but more importantly I'm not interested in any dramatic reduction of Your standard of living. The goal is not to take you DOWN, but to bring the rest of us UP. It's my belief that not only is an Opulent standard of living possible for everyone on the planet but it would require far less effort then we're currently putting into destroying ourselves. You see shortage isn't our problem. Waste is. We waste so much time just creating waste it's absurd, destructive, and totally unsustainable. Not to mention for most of us on the planet it makes for a life that resembles varying degrees of Hell and is generally regarded as a “NOT FUN” existence.


Most of the “jobs” in existence today do not need to exist especially the “crappy” ones, and in most cases should NOT exist if global peace and prosperity is the goal.
If we only produced quality durable items that people actually wanted, and dispensed with all the inferior made to break nonsense we're conditioned to want by a 24/7 onslaught of media marketing, then combined that production ethic with all of the wonders of technology especially in the area of robotic manufacturing, no human would even need to work more then an hour a week if at all unless of course you really want to.

We do not want to create a society Limited by Technology but rather Creatively Enabled by Technology.

No more soul crushing careers.
No more wage slaves.
No more banking, marketing, any sector of the service industry that can't be carried out by robots, no more fossil fuel extraction/processing/transport/disposal, no more fast food, law enforcement, military, stock market, investment groups, venture capitalists, hedge funds, 401K's, corporate entertainment, lawyers, judges, prisons, DMV, IRS, Welfare. The internet would become completely open source, no more endless stream of freemium vomit.

No lawyers you say, no law enforcement you say? Surely this could only result in chaos?

Why would it?
In a world with no money where everyone has equal access to opulent abundance “Why” would anyone steal? “What”, would anyone steal? To me this point alone demonstrates that laws enforce inequality rather then justice. You don't need laws when everyone has access to everything. If you feel threatened by the idea of everyone having access to everything then ask yourself do you possess things for the sake of the thing itself, its form, it's function, or do you ultimately possess things because others, can not? These things that lose there value when everyone has them, are things no one really wants. Our desire for them has been manufactured by decades of intentional psychologically crafted advertising designed to make us want things we would otherwise have no interest in. If you doubt me then clearly you've never heard of Edward Bernays the less famous nephew of the first psychologist Sigmund Freud.

Instead of telling people what they can't do we could focus on making sure people have “better” things to do. Cleaning up so you can get a crappy minimum wage job (if you're lucky) producing poison (fast food) for people who treat you like crap all day making someone else you've likely never meet rich, is not something Better, to do. When paying your way means working at McDonald’s which is arguably worse than a prison sentence, it's no surprise people choose crime.

Keep It Simple Stupid
Complicated Political and Economic Systems Exist to Obfuscate Nefarious Activity

I don't know, is it too much to ask? I go back and forth myself, it's too much, it's not too much, I'm pretty sure it doesn't “have” to be too much. Really I'm just bent 'cause I'm broke LOL, but I'm not wrong.


sounds good, not sure about mandatory voting though

i can understand concern in this regard but keep in mind there would be no mandate on "Who" you vote for. there would be no limitation on who can run other than a fair popular vote. basically i would have voting process that more closely resembles the selection process for a "miss america" but with out all the pageantry nonsense, just the logistical elements of selection by a process of a regional elimination leading to a final round of say 10, 20, or even 50 candidates. we can try different things till we find what works best or is most agreeable. Really i only want it mandatory in the beginning to help jump start a politically disenfranchised public.

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If i were elected president i would have a party the world would never forget.

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