I've always felt a deep and curious connection to trees as well @svemirac from a young age, which might explain my liking this post.
Speaking about fallen trees being food for the various small animals of the forest, they also give nourishment back to the earth itself from which they've taken it during life; and, become new earth upon breaking down over time :>)
I find the cycle amazing… (From dust-to-dust...) as I suspect you do as well.
Hope all is well with you.
I remember my youth days going into the local forest with my uncle to get the hummus (the blackest and most nutritive soil) underneath the old and heavily degraded stumps.
It's just amazing this organic life we have :)
It's amazing a bit pressurized but within limits!
Stay healthy!
Ciao, bella ciao... :D
Here's some of my tree reduced to soil compost in my garden :>) from leaves and branches...