I’m Going To Experiment It For You!

in #blog7 years ago


Could I change my life completely?

What if you could change your life completely, what would you do?

What if you can push the restart button and go back to the starting line, what would you do differently?


It is easier said than done since life is not that simple and there is no restart button, isn’t it?

Regardless, I have decided that I’m going to turn my life into a new chapter and start a brand new journey and I would like to invite you to join me. 🙂

After having my first baby 10 months ago, it give me a lot of things to think about regarding my current life, my future, what I really want to do in life and what really needs to be done.

For the past 10 years I have been busy working full-time, part-time, running a little business and learning new things every day in various topic from property, forex, multi-level marketing, online marketing, internet marketing, speaking, start up an online business, making money on social media, personal development, taichi, yoga, meditation, parenting and etc.

I admit that I have been running from one trend to another wherever there are noise and event you can find myself in the middle of it.

There are a lot of things that I have learned and started. Many of them got good results and also some of them didn’t have any.

You can probably done that – started a new project while learning new things with great excitement. Then it lasted for a few months and dying off, you lose your interest and motivation and reason to continue doing it.

And there you go, an unfinished project. Then sooner or later you get hooked on the next thing coming along and the whole thing start all over again.

Of course, I consider it as good thing because I have learned a lot of things and my knowledge expanded tremendously which I never regret.

However, since I realized that my life would be changed for the better (wink) while baby number 1 in the making, for the last year, these questions keeps popping up in my mind:

How would I want my child to see me?
What do I want for my child to learn from my life?
Have I been living the life I really want or just the life that I been sucked into?
How happier and more joyful I became in the last 10 years?
What do I need to do to have more joy and happiness every day so I can share that with my child?
Why haven’t I been traveling more? (Since I love traveling so much)
Why can’t I live blissful every moment?

I finally decided that I’m going to drop things that no longer matter and no longer bring joy to my life… and when I came to look at all of the options I got to drop the majority of them or most of it.

So I did!

Now I am about to start a brand new journey.

This time I am going to make sure that whatever I do will bring me little more joy and happiness each day and I trust one day I can spread it to my child and everyone around me.
I’m Going To Restart My Life and Experiment It All for You!

Do you love to experiment? Everyone love a bit of experiment and challenge right?

How about if I do those experiments for you so it can save your time and energy since you are already a busy parent?

Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do.

Since I have been learning many new things in the past and many have been on going before I see the results.

This time I am going to make sure all the experiments that we are going to do will produce some kind of results before stop doing it regardless whether it is a success or failure.

I am going to run various experiments on myself ranging from online business, parenting, blogging, vegan, minimalism to social media, etc.

I am doing these experiments so you don’t have to.

My aim is to help parents especially those busy stay-at-home mom to create an online passive income.

So they can have the freedom and energy to stay home playing with their kids and practicing “No Parenting skills.”

I will also focus on “No Parenting” which is a new approach for Millennium Parents who see a new possibility to produce someone better than yourself to the world, they got to be one step better than us, don’t you think? If you interested in this, get yourself the Free 10 steps to nurture your child with No Parenting Approach. Optin form

In order to help you making money while staying at home and stay healthy on a budget, I’m going to run 2 experiments in the next few months:

  1. Start A Profitable Blog Challenge
  2. 30 days Simple Raw Vegan Challenge

To keep it Simple, Today I’m going to talk about the first one Start A Profitable Blog Challenge and explain how I’m going to do it. In the next post I’m going to talk about the 30 days Simple Raw Vegan Challenge.
Why Blogging?

The reason I’m choosing to Start A Profitable Blog Challenge because As you know, all of us millennium moms, we are always busy with lots of things going on inside and outside the house, that’s not include everything we need to consider daily inside and outside of us, so Blogging is something that that can fit into a mommy lifestyle and my own time particularly.


If you already have enough going on with my family, kids and keeping the house clean, the in-law happy, etc then Starting a Blog is an ideal business for those who only have an hour here or there to work on a side hobby like me. It is for moms who want to share their voice with the world but are too fearful to start a blog because it is too ‘technical’ and takes too much time. If you haven’t heard about it yet, then you can check these mommies out, they are doing amazing earning a great income from just Blogging at home such as:

makingsenseofcent.com Michelle earns 70k per month
startamommyblog.com Suzi earns 30k per month
singlemomsincome.com earning 10k per month

Sound too good to be true right! And fortunately that’s the truth, you can go and check out for yourself, lots of Blogger even do Monthly Income Report in details of their earnings.

Yes yes, I know you tell me I have tried it before but it wasn’t serious and I didn’t follow it up to see it fruitful. So this time regardless of whatever on my way I am going to stick with it for at least 5 years consistently.


If you have few hundreds of friends on Facebook you know what! that is enough for your message to be spread around easily. Another reason for me to choose Blogging is that it’s a very flexible work which can be done anywhere and anytime that I choose which is not much of the moment since I spend most of my time on the baby and households but the thing is I can choose what time Im going to work and not to work, on the plus side I ony have myself to answer to at the end of the day 🙂 Not only Blogging can start with very low cost or almost nothing but it’s also very easy to start with just a few steps.

Since there’s hundred of videos already on YouTube teach you how to Blogging of those already successful people who has started their Blog ages ago and is making thousand pounds per month doing it, I’m sure if you want to learn to start a Blog then there’s multiple offer out there so I will make sure that there’s no teaching going on in my videos but there will be purely action on what I have learned and what I am applying daily into builing a Blog that one day in my imagination will bring in hundred thousand pounds a month (wink)

So it’s going to be like this, In the next 7 weeks, I’m going to document my Blogging journeys following the 7 steps model and I will show you step by step of what I have learned and how I do it and if I can do it from scratch, knowing nothing about Blogging then I’m sure anyone can do it as well. I’m going to do weekly videos on Friday to show you what I have learned during the week and what I have done and achieved. So one week will be one step and it’ll go for 7-week videos.
Why am I starting the Blog experiment?

The reason I’m doing this is:

  1. so that you my friends my audience can keep me accountable for my word and make sure action following since I know lots of time in the past I didn’t follow through with what I intended to do.
  2. I can document my Blogging journey from the beginning until the Blog is fully set-up and function
  3. You can see for yourself that it’s actually easy and if you want to start then nothing can stop you, just follow what I have done in the videos.


If you are going to start your blog then please Beware of the ‘shiny object syndrome’ in blogging. Because Every new article you read will give you ten more action steps to do for your blog. You may go after traffic, monetization, start an ebook or want to manage Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. OK so if that’s you Don’t fall for it! You will get overwhelmed and burn out.

For me, I will Keep my focus and won’t play the comparison game with other bloggers. They have been blogging for longer and it took them years to get to where they are now. I will Take it slow. Take it one day at a time. Blogging is a very inexpensive business to start. It only costs time. It takes time to build a blog, to grow an audience and make money from it. If you rush it and fall into every ‘click-bate’ article, you will burn out. Your time is too valuable to spend it going down rabbit holes.

I’d like to invite you to join my journey and support me so I can go to the end and show you some money 🙂

In the next post, we are going to officially start the Profitable Blog Challenge, I’m going break down exactly what I’m going to do to achieve the job week by week for 7 weeks and also you will get to hear my deep down secret so keep a look out for it.