Strengthen your memory by taking care of your feelingssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

Our memories are never completely correct. For example, we often forget or add details to memories, so they are not a true reflection of what happened.

Our memories and feelings are closely linked.

They are so intertwined that factors such as stress can significantly affect the functioning of the brain structures as a hippocampus . Hippocampus is a region in our brain that connects our emotional memory.

Whether we believe it or not, looking for the balance between anxiety, motivation, calm and positive emotions has an incredible influence on our memory.

In addition, during the day we perform some tasks that also affect the quality of our memory.

Below we will explain more about the connection between our memory and our feelings.

Take care of your feelings to take care of your health
One fact that we must keep in mind is that our minds often remember extremely emotional life events well . These can be positive or negative life events.

However, it is also worth mentioning that human memory does not work in the same way as a machine, such as a computer.

Our memories are never completely correct. For example, we often forget or add details to memories, so they are not a true reflection of what happened.

Unfortunately, we all know that our memory gets worse the older we stay. Although this is inevitable, we can use different techniques to reduce memory impairment.

One way to do this is through positive emotions. Below we will explain how to make an interesting exercise based on positive emotions. This exercise will improve your memory and quality of life.

Our memory becomes "rusty" due to routines and this interrupts our feelings
There are certain routines that affect the quality of our memory. For example, we wake up at the same time every day, go the same way to work and do the same tasks at home, these are examples of actions that can affect our memory.

Another example of such actions is to dedicate leisure to activities that do not stimulate our brain, and which do not even entertain or enjoy us.

If you do some of the above activities and acknowledge that you are a slave of routine but do not plan to get out of this routine then your brain will suffer.
A brain constantly subjected to routine is in flight mode. This is because it stops receiving stimuli that catches attention. In other words, a brain in this situation is used to the same tasks that it simply closes.
When the brain is in flight, our neural connections begin losing their quality. In other words, we gradually fall into an inertia that directly affects our memory.
This causes our brain to lose its agility and its speed. Before we know, we end up forgetting so many things.

Routines that you will have noticed at least once at an apartment are the enemy of our feelings. It makes us seem as if we are "off".
One way to turn ourselves on and get rid of the stagnation that the routine has caused in our lives is to do something new. Even the smallest thing can help.

We know that we can not completely escape the routines because we have to work, keep the house clean and look after our belongings.

But it is necessary to dedicate between one and three hours to yourself. During this time you have to do different things. For example, you can drink coffee somewhere you have never visited before, buy a new book or be with a friend .

Do something new and interesting every day.

Learn to live in the present
Above all, our memory needs us to focus on "here and now". When our feelings focus on the sadness of the farm or tomorrow's anxiety, the present is so cloudy and it affects the quality of our memories.

For example, we can forget the facts, words, tasks we have already completed and conversations we have had.

We give you an example to help you understand this better.

Let's say you're thinking of someone you care about and think about what to say to them. You also think of things they have done for you or the words they have not said to you. This makes you so immersed in your mind that you forget to forget your car keys.

Your brain is healthy and works fine, but the problem is your emotional world.

Learn to focus on the present to lift the emotional burden away from yourself. Fly away from what hurts you and always make the present enjoyable. It's only here that our memory will start to work properly.

The right and the duty to take care of your inner peace
Sometimes we experience the feeling that we do not have control over our lives . Or we feel that our commitments, routines or family control us so much that we can not breathe.

This personal concern affects our inner peace . One who is not focused on his self-esteem, his identity and control over his life also has trouble remembering things.

Therefore, it is necessary that you focus on yourself. It is also important that you find the subtle and perfect point where you are satisfied with everything that surrounds you. But at the same time you should enjoy yourself in your personal space with the people you love.
A happy mind gives rise to a strong memory.


Random Act of Kindness..

Hi beulahlandeu,

This post has been upvoted from me! :)

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Great blog! It has been proven that four things turn off the stressed brain and restore hippocampus functioning: cardiovascular exercise, stress management, novelty and creativity. You touched them all!

Great! I'm going to take my kids and let them pick out the fun we have today, the food we eat today, the things we read and hear today. Their ideas are less structured and different. And I'm going to step aside and give my husband the room to have us do what he wants this weekend. Make memories in the present. Stay up later. Stop being in control for a day or two :)

Thanks for this @beulahlandleu. Another reminder to stay present!

You are 100% right

This post has received a 100% upvote from @melowd. Thank You for sharing @beulahlandeu. For more information, click here!

This really resonated with me. I really enjoyed reading this post. I may quote you in a yoga class, 'Learn to focus on the present to lift the emotional burden away from yourself' Thank you for sharing.