Ranting about being so called "Fake Country"

in #blog8 years ago

(Maybe this pic is a little "Country" for ya"

Hey what's up Steemers. I normally don't blog that often, but today I feel the need to get a little rant off my chest. You see last night I was going through my YouTube channel, and noticed all my videos had been disliked (once) and each video had a comment from the same fellow youtuber. I won't release his full YouTube name but part of his name is Caleb. You see Caleb is now my new troll on YouTube and officially my first ever "Hater". Caleb had some strong words for my singing videos. What I basically took from Caleb's words is that he don't like me or my style of country, and out of all things called me FAKE. Now you can call me a lot of things but fake is not one of them. He thinks the way I sing country is fake and basically told me to stop. And in another message pvtly told me I'm "Not Country at all". Well I wanna say this....What in the hell makes me a real country boy? Oh is it the face that I don't wear a Cowboy/Hooey hat (hooey is a country brand) like you? Or the fact that I don't wear hooey shirts and wrangler jeans? Oh or this is my favorite (directed right to Caleb, whom I will be sending this to also) not having a guitar in all my videos like you? To be totally honest I don't even get that part man. You show your guitar which has a big ass Wrangler Sticker and a "Cowboy Fresh" sticker lol, yet you pretend play it and just move your fingers like you are and barley touching it Ahahahaha. Now that my friend is nothing but Fake Ass Country. If you gotta problem with my country twang you can "Cowboy Up" and get the hell of my YouTube channel, cause I sing for me and the people who appreciate good music or just enjoy watching.

So you can call me fake country all you want but deep down inside I know who I am and what my roots are. Yes I am a Hispanic male, but all my life I grew up around country Music...I've lived/living the rancher lifestyle (if that gives me country credibility).

I know this issues sounds stupid but I'm just tired of people like "Caleb" giving country music a bad name, and keeping that stereotype that so called "Cowboys" are assholes, who think they can beat up or just flat out try to bully or talk shit.

Thank you guys for reading my rant, and hope you all have a great day.

Here's a little Diss video lol:


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You tell 'em!