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RE: 10 Ways I Think Different!

in #blog7 years ago

Those are quite the interesting beliefs you have there @jerrybanfield. I personally don't agree with a lot of them, but you're 100% entitled to your beliefs and I'm 100% entitled to disagree with those beliefs as long as I do so in a productive way that doesn't endanger either of us.

I have one question about #2. How do you explain something like the polio vaccine? Do you believe that we as human beings are simply trading one disease for another (in this case polio for some other disease such as cancer)? Or is it simply the fact that we believe we have the cure and vaccine for polio and therefore that's enough to ward off the disease?


Brandon I appreciate you joining us here in the discussion and I am not sure all of the details although I would guess your suggestion of trading one disease for another is accurate.

The vaccines seem to modify our bodies to resist some diseases which likely makes them vulnerable to others perhaps things we were immune to before that become harmful. On a deep level our bodies give us what we want and if we believe a vaccine works it probably does regardless of whether what it does contributes. When we believe we are immune to disease, our bodies are more likely to create that.

That's basically what I was thinking. While I do think that there is something in terms of your thoughts affecting your physical body, I just don't know if I believe it goes that far (in terms of preventing diseases).

I just want to say, look up history of the polio vaccine and polio vaccine shedding studies. You will find an alarming number of studies and resources that actually show how the polio vaccine was actually spreading polio and creating vaccine strain polio in family members who had recently vaccinated children. The fact is, sometimes vaccines don't work as intended and when they don't those "adverse reactions" aren't discussed openly nearly as much as they should be.

@Jerrybanfield when you talk about vaccines altering us you couldn't be more right. The vast majority of vaccines are grown on living human DNA as these are human viruses and bacteria. These human DNA origins are unfortunately very hard to discuss for some while the detachment for others can be almost equally uncomfortable as they originate from fetal cells such as the lung, liver, and kidney tissues of various fetuses. For many vaccines strains 10+ separate fetuses were tested but failed to properly create the required results to the virus or bacteria.

For example the MMR is still using fetal DNA from a fetus that was a electively aborted back in the 80's. In terms of evolution we are using DNA from humans that are more than 4 decades old. Not only that but "insertional mutagenesis" is where the DNA fragments, when injected can cause genetic mutations in the recipient. Many vaccines have "adverse reactions" such as arthritis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases listed because when vaccine fail to have the desired response and instead cause mutations in the recipient DNA you end up with childhood arthritis, auto immune diseases on the wide and everything inbetween.

Thank you so much for this post Jerry. My intutition told me you were about to share some truths and that was spot on. You are woke my friend!