There are no masks. But many monstrous faces

in #blog7 years ago (edited)



When it comes to discussing what is happening in Venezuela, the discussion allegorizes a fire that finds no end or wind that tears its existence. Any discussion on the subject Venezuela, even if it is done with the most syrupy grenadine or the finest liquor, inexorably becomes catharsis and frustration: paradoxical, then, if "catharsis" is understood as the exudation and liberation of the putrid macerated miasmas in the intestine, it is unambiguous for cleaning and conducts or should lead irremediably to a release, if not total, at least partial; this is to free space because no catharsis knows about reforms nor about playful regressions. IF any discussion of the subject Venezuela becomes inexorable in catharsis, why is the discussion itself a symbol of an eternal fire? Because the catharsis, in this case, has a brief significance and only at the moment of the exhibition about this geographical void; once the discussion is over, "catharsis" as a word disappears from the language and, the catharsis translated as "cleanliness in the organism", is annulled at once, as if the miasma was a highly renewable resource and quickly, in a matter of seconds, reintegrated to field. In these lines there is a subliminal message that we can reach thus: disappearing the miasma, which happens to cancel its emission suddenly, eliminating its context that, in a very great degree, means eliminating its main producers. Ergo: the discussion of the subject Venezuela will always be eternal fire if we do not disappear the context that originates it, which, if well understood, means that in order to blur the context, we must necessarily sweep the system and its primary and secondary reflectors, that is, to its architects and its admirers. If the explosion that ends it does not materialize, always, once catharsis is reached, by antonomasia, to the latter we will have reached it as frustration; zenith of inaction.

The Venezuelan discussion, as the analyst J.J. Rendón, should no longer be centered on an oficialism and an opposition but on a group of victimizers -architects and admirers of the structure- and a group of victims -we, the entire nation-. If we want to extinguish that fire, all-embracing apparently, we must sweep the structure. Seven days after the massacre perpetuated by the Chavism's tyranny of the libertarian official Óscar Pérez and his group of comrades, the Chavism's tyranny through its organ, axiomatic and unambiguous of the metastasis, the ANC (National Constituent Assembly), calls for presidential elections anticipated. Be careful: if you want the fire to continue, go, in the terms that the criminals want, some by direct action - architects of genocide - others by deliberate omission - admirers who profit from genocide-. If you do not want the heat offered by that fire, turn it off by sweeping the system.

The tyrants called for presidential elections through a "synthetic organ" like a lie-lettuce designed by China and the admirers, opportunely discovered in their rapture by the sweet that profits them, respond that they accept the "challenge". Because the heat of the fire does not scorch their hair and because nothing more romantic for them than an "eternal struggle" which, incidentally, the perpetuity of the lie is a condition sine qua non to eternalize this false fight. These tyrants, some by deliberate action and others by deliberate omission, love the "catharsis" that their system induces: the fire, in this way, is preserved. The Byzantine catharsis, then. It is no longer a secret the two-headed monster we encounter: the PSUV (officialism) and the MUD (false opposition).

The genocide continues, in the XXI century. Just seven days ago there was a massacre where they were executed with war weapons, six libertarians and one woman with a pregnancy of months. Today, there is a tremendous electoral frolic among the mafia parties. You do not have to exercise any right because there is no State, do not fall into the farce. Moreover, there is not even a country. Just a phantasmagoric latitude, a geographical space empty of itself: Venezuela is no longer Venezuela and you are no longer a citizen because you have neither identity nor rights nor citizenship, because you lost your freedoms; Do not fall into that farce. A couple of days ago I read a comment like this: "You have to be very little human to aspire to a public office just days of a live massacre and a system without minimum conditions. Too many rotten personal interests of stupid people who will never get a position that is respected or guaranteed once competences are adjudicated. " If you are one of those who think that, I reply: they do not aspire to a candidacy, just like that. They aspire to the perpetuity of the system that translates into the superfluity of their economic interests, through the eternal return of themselves, as candidates. And it is a perversion and also, a very particular mafia. A distinguished professor of philosophy, called Erick Del Búfalo, recently called it "electoral mafia."

The tyranny of Chavism and its henchmen, the Goliath and his admirers, those who identify Goliath, the Goliathists; all of them, no longer by concomitance but by direct associations, previously unspoken, now palpable, have democratized barbarism. Do not be part of that democracy. Do not be stupid. Do not attend events convened by the tyranny that kills us and cared for and legitimized by a group of nefarious infiltrators in the opposition.

Long ago, once the farce was known, it was time to be dissidents not only to tyranny but to the opposition infiltrated in the opposition, which conspires against dissent openly. If not today, when?