To Sail Calm Waters....

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello my fellow Steemians, I hope you are all doing good

Continuing along the story, I wanted to share with you some of the reasons why even though I had so many ups and downs in my journey, I always always able to stay on my feet, regardless of all the hits life would throw at me.

I am certain that many of you passed through some difficult times already, and If you have not, I'm sure you will eventually its unavoidable and it's part of our personal growth.

Soon after I got myself back up, especially referring to emotionally from the big hit I had just taken, I took a trip to a different state to close a business deal.

I don't know precisely why but I never felt too comfortable doing business with people that were not my friends, but at the same time, I always new how to separate friendship from business.
I was visiting a great friend of mine, someone who has been of great influence in my life. A well known figure in my home country, who is admired by everyone. He did teach me a lot of things along the years, trying to help me to make less mistakes.

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When I arrived I told him about the events that had just happened, and how I was feeling about the whole thing, so i asked him:

"Is it possible to trust someone in this world? Because if someone who I considered a close friend did this to me, who can I possibly trust?"

He responded wisely and said: "Don't think like this my friend, sometimes when we go through situations like this we think that everyone is dishonest, but that is not at all how things are" he continued "I am 70 years old and I've lived plenty of horrible things and good things too, but believe me, there are more good people than bad people in this world, but you have to learn to pay attention to them. Don't worry much about this now, through your life you will find the right kind of people to surround ourselves with, they become our true family and then we begin to build our lives but this time in calm waters"

His words might not mean much at first glance, but they carry a powerful message and it allowed me to understand life and myself a lot better. I was very young so I knew that doubting the experience from someone who has lived a lot longer than me would not be wise. On top of that, his words made me realize he considered me to be inside that circle of trust, and as I've said this man is a very important man, he would not open his home to just anyone.

The important lesson here is to understand that no matter how much we tend to protect ourselves, shield ourselves, we can't allow these things to change our essence. The experiences can be taken as knowledge to learn to recognize the people who we don't need in our life, people of bad character, and also allow us to see that it's not that bad people are in the majority, it's that they seem to make the loudest noise.

So don't allow bad experiences to take change you, and continue being you. Simply learn to be more alert so that along your journey you can surround yourself with the right kind of people, those who are going to be with you in the bad times too, and you will understand what I mean when I say sailing in calm waters.

This is precisely what I'm trying to do on this platform, the message I'm trying to share. To see if there is a way we can build a strong community of people with good intent, with the right mindset, positive thinkers who help each other and relay a message of harmony.

Let's build this network together with all the people who want to be sailing in calm waters as well.

Until next time



Dear @chbartist sir !
A time comes in the journey of life when it becomes distracted by its path. The reason for this can be the ups and downs of life. In these circumstances, who maintains his patience, he is close to his destination, then he lives for all those who live for others, he is the true person. You learn a lot from your articles, how to become self-sufficient and stand on your feet? If possible, give a little too much support to the needy.
A good friend is the one who stands with you in trouble. At the time of the wrong decision, he will stop you and support you for the right decision. There is no shortage of good people in the world. Even today, there are good people more than bad people, for that we also have to become good.
In your article, the truth of life is reflected. You have seen life very closely.
Regards sir.

Hello friend, thanks for your words and your comment is deep to make a reflection. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. About supporting others I was a bit in doubt about what you wanted to say and see what I replied to @kkins. Regards

Yes sir ! I upvoted one person who is writing faithfully about your article.
And I am also waiting to upvote for that person who wrote good about your article, understand your articles and did not find any upvote.

About supporting to others means Not up voting himself. But upvoting to them who is contributing in our community.this word was not for you but for us.. you are already helping nature.

Thank you for your kind words. Friend I'm really trying to make people understand that supporting giving upvotes between them makes for a true community spirit. Sometimes I feel want copy/paste in people's comments a text asking them to understand it. Some have already told me that the votes I give in the comments are very high. But I do not think so, I will continue to vote at all who devote time to comment on my posts but of course I only vote in that I actually see who read the post and made a comment where it had some effort. This is most important to me in building everything I have said. Regards

Sir!I appreciate your concept as well as your thinking.

That place looks like a dream! I can just imagine layin on the beach sipping pina colada out of a coconut lol 😂

Greetings of the day @chbartist

Keep standing on our own feet in this negative world is too difficult. Now days life is like a cricket match where negative people's continually throwing hate and bad intention on us. They're trying to discourage you, trying to underestimate us but we have to play like YOUVRAJ SING who hit six sixes in six balls to show these people our potential.

Life is a roller coaster ride where we have to face ups and downs. When there's a downfall right after that there's a rise too. We have to be patient because after a long dark night there's a beautiful morning. Time is very powerful it always change when there is bad days, right after that good day's are.

Trust is a like a mirror if it is braked impossible to stich back. When it is breached by our own close person really it's heart allot. It doesn't matter some close person cheated on us, there are so many people who cares about us, so we always always have to move on. What ever life did with us always be positive, sty calm and love life.

Lastly I would like to say, the sun will shine dark night will over. There is a beautiful morning which is waiting for us, so we have work for that beautiful morning. Life is not about giving up it's all about doing something new and achieve something new doesn't matter there is so may problems and difficulty we have to survive.




Thank you for sharing with all your wise words in your comment.

Very interesting.

but believe me, there are more good people than bad people in this world.

I really don't see it as quoted above. But this got me wondering

but you have to learn to pay attention to them. Don't worry much about this now, through your life you will find the right kind of people to surround ourselves with.

I think i would try to do above.
Recently people i trusted have really broken my trust and bond. Maybe they had genuine reasons. It does feel bad and forgiveness is difficult. Even more difficult is forgetting.
Would meditate on your words. Thank you.

I understand what you mean. Unfortunately we are living in a patient world that is polarized and selfish. But it's the good people who have to take control with daily actions. I know it's hard to find people of extreme confidence and this is built with years of life. I usually say that you will find a true friend every 10 years and believe me, this is enough. We do not need many, we need few and good ones. That's why I have dedicated my little time and worked hard at steemit because I have found good people all over the world and this is very good for everyone who has their positive attitudes here. It is great to know that I can find true friends for 10 thousand kilometers of distance and learn and respect different cultures. That's the best we have here. That is why I have been insisting on my blog so that you vote for each other to create the true spirit of a community with a positive mindset. I only get out of steemit if one day I realize that this is not possible. I do not like to see people attacking I think it's deplorable. People have to learn that respect is the top of the pyramid and if you want respect you have to learn to respect others. Debating, dialoguing positively and even disagreeing in a polite manner is totally acceptable but when it becomes low profile I am out. Thank you very much for participating, you are welcome. Regards

Welcome back @chbartist ,i agree with the statement that there are more good people than bad people in this world, we need to pay attention. Ups and downs are the part of life. There come such moments in life when a man becomes completely hopeless but he should not lose hope. There is always a light behind the dark side. Try to learn from previous mistakes.
I also appreciate your spirit to put your experience here so that people can learn. It will definitely help people who are young enough and going through these problems.
Thanks for your time.
Have a good day @chbartist

Thank you for your time and share with us your words. Have a Great day. You are a good person too...

You too are a good person sir.
You write and motivate many of us who are a kind of newbee. Also Through your posts, we get an encouragement to write more and good content.

Thank you friend

Late on catching up with my feed but thought I would drop by to thank you for sharing this experience. I can relate with this as even within families that should always be trusted, there are bad actors that seek to take advantage of each other which is sad and it takes tolls on those seeking for a better world. I also hope the community will grow to a shared one where we can all benefit from.

You are fortunate to have this guide, it is always good to consider the good and sincere advice, but we are here to live our own experiences and learn from our own mistakes.

Exactly friend I hope too. Regards

Thanks @chbartist for writing the post. This post carry a very strong message which is that we should never change out thoughts about anything or anybody just after single bad experience rather should take bad experience as learning lesson for life. I know saying it is very easy but following is not. But if we follow then we can solve many of our problems easily with this Mindset. Have a great weekend dear @chbartist

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Sometimes we have to fall so that we can rise and elevate to the brim. Some evil that happen to us are necessary evils and we must accept them. Also the people we surround ourselves with are very key in the ddevelopment of our lives, we must know those to cut off and those who must stay. Thanks for sharing this @chbartist.

Thank you for your comment! Regards!

You're welcome

Sailing in calm waters... What a beautiful thought! In this world of turmoil, it is not always easy to stay positive. Your post reminds us to gravitate towards the positive and put down the negitives as learned life lessons. Thank you!

Thank you for your comment!

If we have a true support only then we can stay strong I have experienced being alone and not supported. They effect me they change me. I hope I have my love with me to tackle all this

Hello friend, you will have but there are things we did not look for they appear. It is no use searching for what you will not find. If you want to find a love just be what you are and it will appear at the right time for you, believe me! I wish you the best