Google's DeepMind Has Surpassed A 4 Year Old Human's Psychological Test: Where Does It End?

in #blog7 years ago

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Artificial intelligence which are capable of understanding and executing human patterns has been a topic of sci-fi for decades.

Many movies/books have played with the ideas of the future of this technology. Most of this is not a positive experience for the humans involved.

Google's DeepMind could be bringing what we thought as fiction to life, named Theory of Mind-net or Tom-net. Piloting these new advancements in AI could cause all sorts of ethical dilemmas.


Reports show that DeepMind's new ToM-net bot is already capable of surpassing a psychological test that "most children only develop the skills for at around age four.” It is this capacity to grasp the "theory of conciousness" that may create a future where robots will be as human as we are.

It is almost undeniable that a generation of human-like AI will come. How long will it take for these machines to surpass their creators?


Competing With Other Bots

DeepMind is even able to predict what other AI simulations will do. Reports by DailyMail indicate that DeepMind can understand whether an AI is "holding false beliefs" of their surroundings.

Is the sci-fi stuff becoming real?

It can learn the differences between agents, predict how they might behave differently, and figure out when agents will have false beliefs about the world.

Neil Rabinowitz, DeepMind engineer, explains in a recent interview.

The more our machines can learn to understand others, the better they can interpret requests, help find information, explain what they’re doing, teach us new things and tailor their responses to individuals.

Doubts Remain

Some people adore the idea of AI being introduced to our society, while others oppose it completely. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla falls down the latter.

Musk said that AI as powerful as this is the human race's “biggest existential threat,” and also said the development of this technology is like “summoning the demon.”

If you are interested in more of Elon Musk's views on AI tech, read this post entitled: Elon Musk warns: 95% chance artificial intelligence exterminates humanity.

Stay Cautious At All Times!

With top-profile people preaching the disadvantages of AI technology, we must keep our eyes peeled. If we have learnt anything from our years living on this planet it is that no one ever knows as much as they think they do.

Only 50 years ago humans thought smoking tobacco was healthy!

Sidenote: my favorite Artificial Intelligence Sci-Fi book is a 4-part series entitled: The Singularity, by William Hertling.

Sources: 1, 2.

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@chron you always with interesting content

It's what I do best 🕶

Wow, that certainly was interesting. Where can I order my terminator bot? I have a list of orders to give it. All scary thoughts aside - I wonder how far we are from creating the equivalent of life and in doing so, a 'soul'. Certainly something which is able to reason like a human being must be able to think not only logically, but with the same undeniable emotions in place such as fear, doubt and love? Maybe another 10 years and it should arrive. Advancements they were dreaming of in the 90s are happening daily now.

Order it directly from DeepMind! It is quite crazy how fast things are moving!

Thanks for your comment, I truly appreciate it 👍

To think, where it will come from and how the future will be. Very interesting. regards

Your welcome, hopefully it ends well!

Google's DeepMind Has Surpassed A 4 Year Old Human's Psychological Test: Where Does It End?

Lol, good answer...

Mind-net, Tom-net, I see SKY-net. sci-fi movies always have an uncanny way of not being sci-fi a decade or two after the exact technologies in them first hit the screens. Great prost, thank you for the update. I'll be taking your advice - the eyes are peeled :)

It is the only way to live these days, with the 👁eyes👁 peeled...