I was posting daily when I first started but it seems that the system doesn't reward that unless you get lucky and put on a bunch of autovote lists, which seems only the highest earners get put on and then more people piggyback onto them and it just compounds the issue. Bots are a fundamental problem with social media platforms but it looks like they are here to stay. I do like the curation stuff like curie, ocd, muxxybot etc. that seems to be one of the only positives with SP delegation. Hopefully changes are made so that the platform doesn't implode on itself.
You've hit it on the head precisely. It seems the system is geared such that once you "make it", there's no time for anyone else - hence the self-voting witness debacle.
I appreciate you reading my stories and giving support, I just can't justify putting in a lot of creative work to Steemit now after finding out how the "big dogs" use it.