Unsolved Mysteries of the World

in #blog7 years ago

There is only one event in the world. Many incidents are extremely common, some incidents are very startling. Today we are going to tell you about some of the world events that are considered very mysterious. Many of these incidents are such that scientific research was done, but the exact reason could not be ascertained.However, it is strange in its own right, but despite the progress of science, the curtains did not get any curtain yet. Let's know about some such incidents. We have taken these incidents through the internet.

1∆. Hanging Zombies.

Cooper Family bought an old house in Texas around 1950. During his first night celebration in his house, his father took photographs of the family. In this photo, two children are sitting in the lap of their mother and grandmother. The whole family is horrified after the development of this photo Gaya because in the photo there was also a hanging corpse with the family. It was claimed that there was no such thing at the time of taking the photo. Some people said that it is possible that Negative may have been tampered with, but Cooper Family denied it. Many people tried to know the truth of the photo later, but it still remains a mystery.

2∆. Voicemail Manuscript.

It was acquired in 1912 by Wilfrid M. Wynyich, a Polish-born American archaeologist bookseller. Boenisch Manuscript Voynich Manuscript is a complete 240-page book that uses such language and scripts that hardly anyone can read. As you are seeing in the picture, the entire book is full of colorful artwork and odd-looking lines. The kind of plants that are mentioned in the pages is rarely found on this earth. So far, it has not been clear that who is going to write this book. With the help of carbon dating, it has been revealed that the book has been written between 1404-1438. It is known as the world's most mysterious manuscript. Some believe that it would have been designed as a pharmacopeia so that medieval or modern therapeutic subjects can be explained.

3∆. Astronaut of the Solvay Firth.

This photo was taken by Jim Templeton, a photographer and local historian in 1964. They took their daughter to 'Soul Firth' in an area in Cambria, England. When the photos were developed, they saw a photographed look like an astronaut. Jim had claimed that there was no one behind his daughter during taking photographs. There was also a lot of debate about this photo. Therefore it is often included in the list of mysterious incidents.

4∆. The secret of Sky Power.

A church in St.Pancras suffered a severe thunderstorm in 1638. During this time, a sky lightning struck the church. Because of the afternoon's time, the church was packed with 300 people praying. Four people were killed in it, 60 were badly injured and the building also collapsed. This incident was the first strange dark shadow. The bright light went back after damaging the church and those sitting in it. According to therichest.com, local people had claimed that a devil had done this incident on the call of the jurors. What really happened, speculation is still being made about it. Many researchers tried to go to the bottom of the incident, but they did not even touch anything.

5∆. British Columbia cut shores of beaches.

On August 20, 2007, many shattered human legs were found on the shores of the Sea of Selsey. Only some of these could be identified. It was speculated that these feet could be of people killed in a boating accident or a plane crash in the sea. Secondly, these quadrants can be the legs of four people killed in the plane crash of Iceland. No traces were found on the feet, but murder after murder and torture cannot be ruled out. It was also added to the Tsunami in Asia on December 26, 2004.