How many stocks I need to buy of PCBL in order to earn 5000 Rs dividend?

in #blog2 months ago

To determine how many stocks you need to buy of PCBL to earn a dividend of 5000 Rs, we need to calculate the dividend yield based on the provided information.



  • Current stock price: Rs. 258.95
  • Dividend data:
    • 15-01-2024 29-01-2024 Interim 550 5.50 (Dividend of Rs. 5.50 per share)
    • 31-01-2023 10-02-2023 Interim 550 5.50 (Dividend of Rs. 5.50 per share)
    • 20-01-2022 01-02-2022 Interim 500 10.00 (Dividend of Rs. 10.00 per share)
    • 20-01-2021 01-02-2021 Interim 350 7.00 (Dividend of Rs. 7.00 per share)

To calculate the dividend yield, we need to sum up the dividends paid in the last year (assuming the dividend pattern remains the same).

Total dividend paid in the last year = Rs. 5.50 + Rs. 5.50 = Rs. 11.00 per share

Dividend yield = (Total dividend paid per share / Current stock price) × 100%
Dividend yield = (11.00 / 258.95) × 100% = 4.25%

Now, to calculate the number of shares needed to earn a dividend of Rs. 5000, we can use the following formula:

Number of shares = (Desired dividend amount / Dividend yield) × (1 / Current stock price)

Substituting the values:
Number of shares = (5000 / 4.25%) × (1 / 258.95)
Number of shares = 922.53

Therefore, you need to buy approximately 923 shares of PCBL at the current price of Rs. 258.95 per share to earn a dividend of Rs. 5000, assuming the dividend pattern remains the same as the last year.

Please note that this calculation is based on the assumption that the dividend pattern remains consistent. Actual dividends may vary, and you should consider other factors before making any investment decisions.