A Tuesday evening taking in some minor league action. And getting on the JUMBOTRON!

in #blog7 years ago

Been lazy on here again. I'M SORRY!

So I figure I'll go off the beaten path once more and share a fun evening I had with some old coworkers.

My current employer sponsors the Columbus Clippers, the Cleveland Indian's farm team. Every now and then they throw us dregs some free tickets and I happened to be the lucky recipient last night. I got 4 great seats on the third baseline and passes to the club suite, which turned out to just be the same ballpark food but with smaller lines.

As soon as we settled into our seats, it was looking bad for the Clippers. The Louisville Bats, Cincinnati's farm team, jumped out to a 4-0 lead by the end of the 2nd inning. It was just about then that the MC guy who does the mid-inning promos asked my friends if they'd like to answer a trivia question for a chance to win a free Wendy's Frosty for everyone in our section. I wasn't paying attention and was volunteered and then peer-pressured into doing it.

I met with the MC at the end of the 4th and he gave me the run down. If I answer right, my whole section gets a free Frosty, if I answer wrong, section 4 would get them. It just so happened that a friend of the MC's was in section 4 that tried texting him for free tickets. So the MC decided to dangle the free prize in front of him, and snatch it away. He gave me the answer, D: Tulsa, Oklahoma. The question was something like, "Where was the first Minor League World Series held?" I never would have guessed that.

So the 5th ends and we get up on top of the Louisville dugout and go through the spiel, all while pretending I'm struggling trying to guess the answer. The MC was nice enough to even move me and my friends up to better seats too.

It was nice being the imaginary hero. Right after that, the Clippers started getting hits left and right too. After a few rally runs to shrink the lead, they came back with 4 runs in the 8th the take the lead at 7-6. After three quick outs in the 9th the game was won.

Now I'm just waiting for October. GO TRIBE!


Heh, nice story! Baseball games are probably my favorite games to see in person. I always wonder what I’m missing out on in the club houses (besides AC!). It’s been way too hot here lately to actually enjoy being outside.

I'm sure the club houses are much nicer for major league ballparks. If I ever find myself in Boston during the summer, I'll definitely be checking out Fenway.

Haha yah! Nothing like another 15 minutes of fame. Frosties for all from the hero.

Ever since we gave you Edwin, I seem to not be so excited for October any more. Enjoy and thanks for a great story.

Haha I was happy to get EE. What's crazy is that teams pitch around Ramirez to get to Edwin. It usually doesn't turn out so well for them lol.