Jumping Back Into the Fray with Highlights of my Steemit Past!

in #blog5 years ago

Has it really been almost three months since I last posted here?

What a strange feeling, to sit in front of this screen and feel unsure what to say, where to start. I considered just posting as if I never missed a beat but that didn't seem quite right. Not when there was a time when I barely missed a day. The good old days, God I miss them...so I am going to take a moment to pay them homage with a handful of my 'years past' steemiversary collages:

steemit gratitude collage.jpg

collage of collages.jpg





Whew, looking through these reminds me of how much work they were to put together, but so much fun, and worth every second! Because it also reminds me of the magic of it.

I used to tell people that every other blogging platform boasting about their global aspect were frauds, because this place truly brought people from all over the world- every walk, every race, every creed- together in a way where I could actually imagine world peace. Global harmony. I will always be grateful for that.

Perusing the platform now I can see it's in some serious upheaval, and while I'm sorry for that I am also happy to see it continues to persevere in one form or another. Hopefully I can find my place in the new paradigm- so hello to old friends and new! I intend to be around more so stay tuned :)


Hiiiiii welcome back :D You chose a really interesting time to make the grand re-entrance XD

It has been quite a while, figured maybe you had a lot on with the driving gigs and the arm wrestling tournaments and the writing and got too busy for here XD What have you been up to? :)

Haha, I know it, crazy town around here!

You figured right, life is a whirlwind lately, but I missed you guys! Paul is working on the cover for book 2- when he sends me some sketches I'll post about it- doing a final rewrite on that and writing book 3/plotting book 4. Plus it was grapevine season which I was juggling with the driving gigs. We take the last load of vines out Friday so that is freeing up some time.
Maybe lol. Turning our old room into Ethan's gym this week and in a few weeks we're heading down the coast to visit Zoe... I'm sure I'll be posting about all of it!

Yep that sounds like there's a lot on, no wonder you haven't been around XD

Ah, these do take me back. They take me back to a time when there really was a genuine community here!

I know it! The glory days!!

They really were!

You are one of my last few tethers me boom. As long as you're still here l won't completely leave it behind. And perhaps it will cycle back again. Have you joined any communities?

Well. I have and I haven't. Communities are shit but don't say I said ;0)

Welcome back Linnet.

"I could actually imagine world peace. Global harmony."

Great, because imagining (image in), along with the feelings of it being so, is what creates it. Keep up the good work :-)

I also imagine this, and have been imagining an intricately connected network joining all people in the world as a catalyst to abundance and peace for all. Then I found one here on Steem, the Matrix-8 Platform, designed by John Huckel @matrix-8. We have now joined forces to move our dreams together in harmony to image-in world peace and abundance for all creatures in this dream world which we share.

The Matrix-8 Platform.

Now all we need is enough people to support it (via an upcoming Steem Proposal and/or crowd funding), then find developers to code a DApp here on Steem. I forsee the first users of the multi-level governance system, a real time bottom up Democrity, could be us Steemians. There will be no need for a centralised organisation like Steemit Inc. or a Foundation to own the platform. The Steem Matrix-8, a subway Platform of the Master (whole world) Matrix-8 Platform, would be owned by no-one, but we Steemians would all have our say, then deliberate and reach accords in organised 8-PAC's. These accords would then move to the next level 8-PAC's and so on upward until concentrated accords agreed upon by the whole community would be reached and acted upon.

Steem Governance will be the envy of the Blockchain world,

and the whole world. The Matrix-8 Platform will be made available to all and billions of earthlings will all be connected via Steem. Old corrupts systems of governance and governments will no longer be required.

This is my Steem Dream.

Find out more at the New Age DApps Community.

Who am I?

Hi there! All of that sounds awesome, I will have to check it out :0)

So glad to see you're back @dreemit! If only there was some way to recapture the vibe of those early days.

Hi Eric! So glad that you're still here!
If only. But at least we can carry the experience with us :0)

Edit: Just saw your latest post... obviously I understand having been on a break myself. Sad though, imagining this place without your beautiful spirit in it. Glad we have other means to stay in touch!

Thank you, my friend! You've been missed! Things were just beginning to feel a little stagnant, genuine engagement has been dwindling for a while now. I think all of this bickering and drama lately is affecting us more than we know. We'll see if I feel differently after this time away.

On the bright side, I'm going to use this break from Steemit to take some writing courses. I'm taking a short story course by Joyce Carol Oates now and am loving it. It feels so good to take a deep dive into learning again. It's rekindling the spark.

Please keep in touch!

That's awesome! Sometimes we need to step back to allow room for new things, this I know! I'd love to read the stories that spring out of those courses!

I’m learning so much already! This is exactly what I needed to rekindle the spark.

Thanks hun! :0)