gitDash 30 Days of Dev - Day 24

in #blog7 years ago

Day 24

The snackbar toast messages didn't go so well. I originally attempted to use the getmdl component for my toast messages, but they didnt want to work with angular. I then tried to use angular/materials snackbar, but that didn't work out so well either because of my angular version. After hours of frustration, we're going to just display the errors we need to and move on.


We're moving on to showing if you are able to merge. This is useful because if you are going to have conflicts you usually want to handle them sooner than later. I'm not sure about how to display it, but it's not too important right now since the other features that might conflict with it won't be added for a little bit.

The rest of the week

So the rest of the week I won't be able to post or work on gitDash, so the next post should hopefully be on Saturday.

If your interested in the project, go sign up for a beta invite at as we approach completion!

Here's what we have left!