gitDash 30 Days of Dev - Day 8

in #blog7 years ago

Day 8

Problem solved! This should be the last huge hurdle as it was a problem with my understanding of how the library works. I'm sure there will be other issues, but they wont be so fundamental. I spent so much time upgrading library versions, angular versions, and getting the thing to compile and work correctly again just to find that hte issue wasn't in the library. The good news is that I have found my issue and can move on to more exciting things.

The issue was in my use of ngrx/store. I was taking the state that comes in, changing it, and returning it. If you do this your state doesnt get updated throughout the application, you need to return a completely different referenced object, not a mutated version of the original state.

Here's a quick gif of the team switch working thankfully!


The plan for tomorrow is to have the selected team save to the server and get the edit team page to at least exist. So happy I'm not stuck anymore on that issue and better understand ngrx/store!