Next Step; The Strap-On! x)

in #blog7 years ago

I've been healing exponentially better every day, always achieving new super significant milestones every couple days and especially each week!

Today I felt that I was going to start walking without the boot and my intuition felt like bringing the strap-on brace to the physical therapy session... for some reason I doubted myself thinking it was too soon... however, when I got there, the physical therapist told me that I no longer need the big boot and should've come wearing the strap brace, and to only use the strap from now on!

Except perhaps in an extreme circumstance with LOTS of walking.. which I doubt I'll get myself involved in, unless its for optimal training and healing! ;) haha.
Though I have been enjoying the boots super protection for when I go climbing hehe!

Climbing at Treetops Park Sunday afternoon, minutes after getting out of the car, haha! During a reunion with my cousin and his family! <3

Everyone stresses out, worries, and complains whenever I climb... while ironically I'm the one with the biggest smile the entire time! xD

It isn't a priority for me to climb at all right now, and am definitely not focused on it, nor going to go out of my way just to climb... so I only take advantage of the opportunity when it's easily accessible and right in front me! :)

My priority NOW, is to HEAL, OPTIMALLY! So when I climb using the boot, I only do what I would do on the ground, except on the tree! Using my foot with the boot the same way I would do with the crutches, while using the rest of my body for the more "intense" parts! :)

When I began sweating I took the boot off. To be safe, as well as avoiding more negativity, I didn't climb anymore without it (except down x), and sat/laid down instead. Massaging myself, stretching, and re-sensitizing my foots skin by rubbing it along the rough bark! <3 How I missed that sensation of the trees skin! <3

After feeling satisfied with enough tree-hugging I decided to "walk" around barefoot and do some grounding, and connecting with other trees and their roots, and playing with the my cousins children the best I could! Though I wasn't entertaining enough for them since I couldn't move well enough yet haha. Somehow we played better while I was still on the tree regardless of the physical distance xD

It's harder for me to connect with the older people since they have incredibly dense beliefs/opinions about everything. Making it practically impossible to be transparent/genuine/truthfully honest about anything in front of them, especially when it comes to anything contradicting their beliefs/opinions...

I barely get to speak/converse with most of them, except the "normal" superficial small talk they all seem to enjoy (which to me feels like a waste of time since it's pretty pointless besides to satisfy/maintain some delusional image of how things are "supposed to be" while hiding how they REALLY are)... so I just keep moving my body around, smiling, and hug them whenever it's not "weird", hoping anyone will openly be up for change, or at least to come tree climbing with me, haha! <3 They all have only good intentions and are super loving people regardless, and I love them anyways! <3

My family has been really focused about eating all raw since my super serious healing journey finally began! The day after the surgery when I shifted my priorities and reality drastically! Especially influencing them by being strictly raw myself! So they didn't really eat anything at the family reunion to stay raw the whole day! Except maybe some raw salad, and afterwards we went to Green Wave again for another super epic raw meal! <3

My dad finds it quite hilarious how I don't mind getting "dirty" especially while eating, like how I ate this raw spicy cheese burger as it clearly made a huge mess, all over my hands and face, even though not as visible in the picture.

He even asked me for permission to take this picture... since most people are so worried/insecure about "how they look" while I just kept telling him he can do whatever he wants!

This is the raw pesto pasta on a giant cabbage leaf "plate"! It's absolutely delicious!

My mom couldn't finish her pesto so I turned whatever was left, combined with some decorative veggies on the side, into a pesto-burrito!

Well, that's all for Sunday!

Monday I had another physical therapy session with a new therapist I didn't enjoy as much as the one I'd been having and changed my schedule to keep having every time now thanks to that reassuring experience! As before that I thought it would be cool to switch it up, haha, but the amount of attention the "new" (old) guy gave me was barely helpful compared to how much willingness to help the "old" younger guy always is willing to do for me! Even letting me stay a bit extra just to finish up as optimally the training/rehabilitating he plans for me each day!

Like I said before, I didn't think I would need or enjoy the physical rehabilitation, though every time I go, I enjoy it even more! As it's an environment dedicated to healing, surrounded by people healing and helping heal each other!

Every session inspires me and teaches me new ways to upgrade and optimize my healing training that I didn't even consider before! Also really grateful that everyone there is always laughing and smiling the entire time as it really makes the vibes way better! I can't help but smile the entire time I'm there with a bunch of laughing in between! :)

After that session on Monday, I had a bit of time to spare while waiting to get picked up since I can't drive yet, and as I walked I found a little stray cat that looked like Obama! (Not the old president, but our previous foster kitten!) I was hoping to catch/befriend him and take him home since I knew my mom and family would've LOVED to take care of him and find him a home as well! After losing track of him, I kept practicing my walking until of course I came across some trees...!

The first tree I climbed was small so I left all my stuff leaning against/hanging from the tree while I did some stretching and hanging! Then I got pumped and wanted to climb an even bigger tree! :)

So I crossed the street to the taller trees, and of course wanted to climb the hardest one... but convinced myself to wait until I was more healed and could use my foot without the boot since coming down the harder climbs is usually harder than going up, haha. Though in general climbing down trees is the easier part, perhaps not so much with the boot as it doesn't have much grip haha.

Then I found the perfect tree to climb until my mom arrived to pick me up! :)

The first tippy top!

At the second tippy top! (As high as I could safely go with the boot at least!) :P

It was really funny seeing peoples reactions as they passed by a tree with crutches leaning against it, then looking up and seeing a guy at the tippy top wearing a protective boot for healing climbing the tree when they probably could never do that without any injuries xD

Two nurses ironically on a smoke break also saw me jumping around the tree and at first looked at me like I was crazy, but then just started laughing and smiling after seeing and realizing how happy and "normal" it was for me to be in a tree! <3

When my mom arrived I finally came down. It feels SO GOOD being in the trees again!!!! <3

From my point of view I usually look at this scar from an "upside down" angle, so here is a front view angle. During the family reunion, my cousin commented on this scar saying it kind of looks like an AK47 inside a zombie bite. Which I thought was pretty funny with all the insane commotion going on about guns lately xD

Today I had another super epic physical therapy session which is what inspired me to write this post as I wrote about in the beginning! I finally started walking without the boot or even crutches! Though it's still not easy and requires a lot of focus and effort, it's happening! I even balanced on my right ankle/foot alone with all my weight today without holding on to anything for the first time since before the surgery!

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, NO MORE BOOT! Now just this strap-on!

I already knew it's meant to be used with some kind of shoe, and since I'm not a fan of shoes, luckily I have some shoe-like open sandals that will work just the as well! Also the cushion bottoms of the shoes/sandals help tremendously for my walking right now, instead of barefoot as I'd obviously prefer and will soon enough!

Ideally I'll never be wearing the boot again! Except in the extreme circumstances, if I'm going to be walking long distances, or maybe climbing. Although even for climbing it might be better without the boot now! Since I learned how to be WAY MORE careful, and have plenty of experience climbing without using my right foot, hehe. Definitely not going to risk or try anything stupid using it like I did when I originally broke my ankle and used it every single day as if nothing happened...!


I hope you loved this as much as we did and follow us for more epic adventures, healing, andrecipes!!



Thank you and STEEMON!!



Keep it up man! You will be better in no time at all. In the grand scheme of things, even two years, is just a drop in the bucket ;-)

YEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!!! <3 Thank you @kimberleighfl! <3
I'm already starting to walk significantly better each day since this post! :)
Soon enough/before I know it, I'll be super healed, rehabilitated, and good as new only getting way better!! <3
I agree completely though, it's crazy how during those 2 years a day felt like so much time... I felt I couldn't miss a day climbing trees and exploring... but after over a year and a half living with a shattered ankle... as I neared the surgery, and especially afterwards, I realized and can really feel, a month, a couple of months, a year, a couple years, is barely anything time-wise, especially when there is yet a super amazing epic life to look forward to living even more awesomely! <3

thank you for sharing your friends @jhoni as a newcomer, posted to you, you are a good person and want to be friends.@fmatinata

Thank you for the kind words @jhoni! Where are you from? <3

Nice, good adventure XD

Hey @fmatinata, I used to spend hours and hours climbing trees in my local woods when I was younger. I could spend the whole day up at the very top of a tree all on my own just chilling out and enjoying the world. Its been a long time since I have climbed up until a couple of years ago when I started to climb with my kids. I think that so many children will grow up in our modern world and never experience the joy of just climbing a tree! Far to many electronic gadgets and not enough time to discover the natural world.

Glad to have found your feed from the discord group. Nice work and the raw spicy cheeseburger sounds right up my street. You have a new follower sir and keep up the great work.

Hey @moonunit! <3
Great to hear from you here and especially love that you enjoyed and have still been climbing especially as a kid and with your kids!! <3
I agree, its SO CRAZY!!!! Not just missing out on the experience of climbing a tree, but so many kids are even restricted from being barefoot now a days too! I've seen parents YELL at kids for taking their kids off, especially if its to come climb a tree with me, a stranger, even though they all usually already know me as Tarzan xD
Mmm I use to be an electronic gadget addict, even though I unconsciously climbed trees occasionally if I was "hanging-out" near them haha, years before I became a super passionate tree climbing "addict" xD
Yesss that discord group is awesome vibes! Grateful to have been included! <3
I bet everyone in that group would adore the raw spicy cheeseburger! That place Green Wave Cafe serves some of the most incredibly delicious raw food cuisine I've ever experienced! <3 If you ever come by Florida you should definitely experience it for yourself!!! <3
Followed you back, thank you for the positivity and support! <3