Why Try When They're Just Going to Leave You

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


If you don't read this, they'll un-follow you. People won't read anything you write. No one will be your steemit or social media friend anymore. Everyone will leave you.

You better stop reading now. You better un-follow them before they do it to you.

You need to win the race to protecting your feelings. Don't let 'em get there before you.

You have to because everyone is always waiting for an excuse to leave you.

To leave you emotionally isolated, physically alone, and unloved.


If you're still reading, then let me tell you why I'm writing.

Peter Sage said that most people spend their lives swimming in GOOP. GOOP stands for the Good Opinions of Other People.

Even an independent, lone wolf, who looks upon popularity seeking behavior with disdain suffers from these feelings.

Even they swim in the GOOP.


It's exhausting, frustrating, and terrifying to constantly deal with being abandoned in some way. It checks you, endlessly.

Maybe you think it's a good thing. Maybe it's what keeps you socially acceptable, appropriate, and maintains your relationships.

How many of those relationships are doing you actual favors beyond "not feeling alone"?

The relationships and the company we keep impact our feelings, our beliefs, and our growth.

No one is hanging out with you because you're afraid they'll leave. Even clingy people don't like clingy people.

The fear of abandonment can keep you motivated to maintain relationships, but it will also keep you unsatisfied.

Being popular, beloved, respected, and sought after will not decrease that fear.

If you're following me, then I've just brought you to a crossroads.

You can keep clinging and worrying.


You can question those feelings. Ask them what they've done for you lately. You can stop fear from dictating your actions.

It's not without risk, but real growth never is.

P.S. If you or someone you know would appreciate this, please share.