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in #blog7 years ago

 “The trouble is, you think you have time".  An interpretation of Buddhas teachings by Jack Kornfield. Time is of the essence right now. Every persons actions really do matter.  What cryptography and decentralization can do for mankind are huge but are being over shadowed by ignorance and resistance. It is clear as day that there is a global event occurring here. Bigger then just using some bitcoins for digital currency. There is literally a war of interest going on. Personally I believe this has been going on quite longer but we wont go there today. In this post I just want to discuss the current situation we are facing. 

So between bankers, governments, corporations, influencer's, the 1%, etc all fear decentralization and crypto. Why? We got this web of bankers, government, the 1%, influencer's etc who all feed off of the general public like vampires. They all have something in common and that is the excessive need for control. People really are easy to control. Like herding sheep. 

What do bankers have to worry about? Well being phased out of existence. Not so funny now is it? But you didn't care when it was mom and pop or the factory worker or the cashier. It goes beyond the need for a job though. What most fail to see and understandably so when you are born and raised in this machine. Is how much everything revolves around the banking system and how much that alone sucks away the peoples wealth and puts limitations on what a person can do.

Government as we know it is flawed and corrupt beyond measure. People in government fear the decentralized revolution of man because it means a world that runs off logic, love, common sense and is more efficient and abundant then our current model could ever be. Now not every person who works in government is fighting crypto but try and see the bigger picture. Watch how people speak and decide for yourself if their actions and beliefs line up.  

The elite/influencer's thrive off manipulating people. Data farming and social engineering have so much impact on us. People generally do not want to believe this or talk about it but you have too. Everyone has there reasons for not wanting to go there but I don't know how anyone can deny that there is a serious problem with the distribution of wealth and manipulation of truth and intent.

All of the above has a huge impact on how the general public perceives. In the case of crypto and decentralization  most do not see the potential. All they know is bitcoin and it's stories of making people rich. Or crash this bubble that and with a bunch of unrelated, useless information in the mix and then pumped with fear of scams and  governments "concerns".

If this post provoked you're thought. Then I encourage you to leave a comment and resteem. I am currently spread too thin to produce the standard of quality I would like to see in these post but at the same time I want to get these views out there and discussions started.