Covid-19, Hackers and the Russian Pirates

in #blog4 years ago

In any environment or workplace where "Hackers" are mentioned, most people outside the crypto-space will think of the last American Presidential Elections and of course, of the major actors, the "Russians", otherwise known as the "Russian pirates". Not the sea pirates we are very familiar with, but cyber pirates. This connection is understandably due to Russian interference during the campaign period. Not surprising, this threat has reoccurred and hangs over the 2020 campaign. However, "Hackers", as the name implies, is not exclusively limited to the arena of American political struggle, No, not in the least.


With the recent waves of hackers hacking into the accounts of prominent world figures, Cryptocurrency exchanges, and, drugs and vaccine research institutes, the National Cyber Security Center in London in the same vane reports that hackers are trying to steal data linked to the search for a vaccine to curb the spread of COVID-19.

There have been numerous attempts to infiltrate organizations that conduct research or that already provide health care. Hackers are believed to operate primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom, and some few developed countries of the west. The Cozy Bear group has been identified as primarily responsible for these attacks, and representatives of the three target countries believed that this group is closely linked to the Russian intelligence services.

I am sure you will not be surprised if I tell you that the laboratory and the country that produce the first vaccine will enjoy great prestige, but also a great influence. The first trials on humans started recently and India, China, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are linked to this milestone. Since the start of the pandemic, almost all the countries launched into the vaccine race have committed to sharing data and results. It is also said that they want to share this vaccine with partners and distribute it first to its most vulnerable groups.

If hacking targets primarily the data essential to develop the vaccine, American officials of Cyber Command, the command responsible for information security for the Defense Department, have already identified hackers who aim to make a profit of financial information. The production of the vaccine will undoubtedly be a profitable operation, and the scientific data obtained are worth gold.

Russian President Vladimir Putin got what he wanted with Donald Trump's victory in 2016 because the United States has been destabilized and its leadership on the international scene has been seriously undermined. Although he has always denied, albeit, with a smile, the links between the pirates and his government. I want to imagine that obtaining the vaccine would advantageously figure in his strategy to restore Russia to its former glory. So much for the quest to make Russia great again.

But the question is, if that were to happen, are we seeing the resurgence of the balkanized U.S.S.R?

NB. This content was first published by @izge on Read.Cash

Sincerely @izge.