Stop and Listen a Guide to Your “put your blank here”

in #blog8 years ago

Stopping Is Essential To Being Alive For A Long Time

Stop! This is what you see at a lot of places where your life depend on you pressing on a little flat platform on the bottom of your feet. This said it’s pressing on the one that is on the left side of the right one. Ok I know this is too much symbolic for the simple act pushing the breaks “AKA stopping.”I know it’s simple and easily understood concept, but the application is crucial to life as a whole. I know all the gurus say. Time is money. The universe likes speed and speed wins. I agree with all that but still you have to know where to stop.

Sometimes Boundaries Will Save Your Life


See for me it’s hard to do that. It was like that with food, work, pain, pleasure you name it. Extreme is my game. However I’ve learned lately the benefits of stopping especially with food. See just opening a bag of chips doesn’t make your fat. Eating a whole bag of chips doesn’t make you fat. Wearing a bad of chips on your neck for a month doesn’t make you fat. Eating a whole bag of chips in 20 minutes. Doing it 30 times a month makes you stupid ridiculously fat. So what are the rules? I can’t really speak about you but here is a picture.

A Wild Goose Chase

Let’s imagine you have one of these treasure hinting machines you know the once you see people wave at the beach all day. So you get your machine and go all day in a mountain range area looking for gold. You are about to give up. You are plenty tired and want to go home and give up. So you come around this big boulder and your gadget starts going “wink wink beep, beep.” You look at your chart and see a huge field of rock potentially gold. For some strange reason you don’t even stop just look at your equipment hesitate for a second and keep going. So what’s wrong with you? Are stupid or just dumb stupid?

Know When To Stop

Well I think I got my point across. You don’t know where to stop. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m preaching to the choir and myself. So how do you know when you found the gold and you should stop? At least for a second. You will know. You will get the warning of your heart. A loud and long beeps. Please listen to the alerts and sounds of warning. Don’t pass by them open your ears. Stop and stay there. But if you don’t you are just on a wild goose chase. It’s very unlikely that you will find or do anything of real value. Please listen. I know this could mean a lot of different things for a lot of people. Chose your meaning but LISTEN!