Mannequin Prank

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Okay so in my first post I briefly mentioned a child mannequin that I used to prank my house mates with. This is how the story goes:

One fine glorious morning I awoke and began my journey to university to become the greatest artist this world has ever known. While I was there I decided to go to the wood workshop to make some frames to stretch canvas over. Along came a techniticains who asked me if I wanted a mannequin. I at first declined as I did not need a mannequin and thought who on earth would want that. As my day drew nearer to the end and I got all my frames made for the day I began packing up my stuff. I then spotted the mannequin leaning up against a load of old stretcher wood ready to be thrown into the skip. All of a sudden I had the brilliant idea to prank my house mates when they come home. I always was home before they were as they finished their shifts later than mine. So naturally like the little psycho I am, I wrapped up the mannequin in black plastic bags and walked through town with it under my arms all the way home with distressed looks from the general public.

As I got home I thought to myself "where is the best place to hide this?" I didn't like going into peoples rooms and I thought the living room and kitchen was too obvious. The head did not come off so my plan to leave the head in the fridge was foiled. I ended up just leaving it in the shower and waited in my room for my house mates to come home. Mwahahaha!

I waited quite a while but sure enough my first victim came through the door. I kept waiting... and then... all of a sudden... "OMG!!! WTF!!!" Hahahaha! My first house mate ended up being pranked and was mildly angry but then quickly was like "Omg let's prank Jon" So we ended up putting the mannequin underneith his bed. I was a little uneasy about this one as I did not like going into other peoples rooms however I had an accomplice this time around so felt a little more okay with it. Sure enough Jon came home and went up to his room and almost had a heart attack and had to be rushed to hospital... I am just kidding everybody was fine no one had a heart attack however he was scared shitless.

After the pranks the mannequin ended up downstairs in the living room for a while and I had some mates over for drinks. Obviously they spotted the mannequin and one of my mates asked me "WTF is that!?" I replied "umm... a mannequin ofc". They then replied "NO that!" I looked at the mannequin and noticed a piece of tissue from when it was in the bathroom managed to get fucking stuck to the arm of it. My friend then yelled out "DIRTYTISH!" and from then on my nickname at Uni was DirtyTish aka Tish for short.


This creeped me out. Haha.