What To Do When You Got The Flu.

in #blog7 years ago


It has happened. It had been so long that I forgot how it even felt being sick. I have transformed into quite the wimp in its absence. It was nice of the weather to rain to match my mood.

This is the Ren you get today.......

So what to do on a rainy sick day? Research!

I have decided that it is time to learn computers or get off this train. My old stories are not serving me any more, the one that says I am incapable of learning computers. I am burning that story and trying something new. I have realized that any old belief that holds you back from expanding is not worth keeping.

It is time to climb out of the warm comforts of my own mind. The idea of trying to learn it all now at almost 32 is daunting, but not impossible.

Today it is me the Kleenex and my computer. It is time to put some time in.

If anyone has any tips or programs that help learn the basics let me know! I didn't even know how to load a picture on the web until steemit so basic to start. Thanks!

Big Love my steemit friends :)


I can teach you many things, what do you want to learn! have many courses I can give ya links for free, but if you have certain things ya need to know I can always help! x

you're awesome @teamhumble

To be honest I am not sure where to start. I have watched about 5 hours on computer theory on youtube... I would like to start learning things like code but I don't know what I have to know before I do that. I spent the first 30 years of my life avoiding computers like they were, well the flu. The computer world is so vast I have no idea where to start. I feel like a bug looking up at a skyscraper......

I think I need to master basic operating systems first.
Thanks @teamhumble! I always can count on you two for good vibes and help.

hmm, i can understand that. ok, let me suggest a few films first -- 'pirates of silicon valley' first -- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168122 -- will give you the inside track about apple and microsoft, then maybe watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1737747 - 'something ventured' about venture capital in the computer industry... jumping straight to coding while a brilliant idea maybe some theory and background first ;) - dunno.. . the relationship with technology is super important for sure, maybe learn markdown first for steemit, in some ways it's html but only 28 features to it, you already use it already when you make ya posts and align things etc -- probably best to have a vision of what you want to achieve and then find out what tools you need to learn to achieve that.

Good point. I will do some thinking on where I would like to get to. That should narrow it a bit down for me. For now I will check out the films you recommended and learn more markdown. Thanks! That helped :)

might give you a bit of grounding in computing in general and give you a bit of an idea how things were made, the back biting, the design process, kinda interesting the different ways microsoft and apple came about and then might make you understand the industry more and then gradually you might be able to see computers a little differently for better or worse! :) -- here when you need me for questions thou! :) have a good one, get better! :) honey, lemon, hot tea and a nip of whisky. try it! :)

That is my cold fix! Hot toddy all the way!
Thank you so much for some direction. Big Love <3

there's a reason why we call him "mr internet" around these parts <3 Hope you're feeling better love!!!

I have an emergency chicken soup recipe at the ready if you need ;)

Feel better!
I totally feel your pain, our household is recovering from the dreaded flu as well.

Thanks @squishysquid I hope you all get better soon :)

awww I hope you feel better ren, it's awesome that you are using your sick day to learn!!

Thank you! I hope you are doing wonderful today beautiful!

What is the flu? I want to know about the flu.

The flu means sick, coughing, headache, super snotty nose. You probability don't want to know about it :) Hope you are having a nice day.

I understand. It is cold-related disease.

Yes , exactly :)

wow.. so wonderful post, i like your post, thanks for sharing

Big love to you too. Very awwsome post. This is great. Intelligent post with a touch of genius

Get well soon. :)
Google how to get better the soonest. :D

I hope you get well soon Ren. You're super tough for trying to use this time to learn something new. I would just watch tv series the whole time :P

I always loved Ren and Stimpy!! Very cool!!
But I'm very sorry you are sick!! Get better quick!!
Big Love and Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

Sorry to hear you are ill Ren. Get better soon and enjoy the learning.

Every day is a learning day on steemit. Today I am learning more video editing...