A perspective of things to come on steemit - maybe.

in #blog7 years ago

2 men.jpg

After my steemit rant yesterday, I have been looking around some articles - @paulag for example, and just trying to get a handle on it more.
It still feels like I'm holding a candle in very large room, and my knowledge is the light of the candle – ie, I am still mostly in the dark.

That being said, there were a few conclusions I drew from looking at the very brainy, number crunching people, on steemit.
( I do not belong to that club.)

Firstly, the dynamics of steemit do not appear to have a healthy future, in the way I see it.

More people joining (at a slower rate), more upvoting (bots), less comments per post.
Less money per post.
Now, I'm very much in the 'quality content, reap the rewards' camp – but I am not naïve and know this does not really correlate in the world of steemit.

This post-


got me thinking about WHY this platform maybe doomed, -as a rewards for content site, without a radical restructure.

Bots make money ( I presume, I don't even know the technical side). Small amounts, but the math is the math.

(This account above, by upvoting his own comment/post, is pulling in quite a few dollars.)

Disparity of wealth, globally, well might be the downfall of this platform.

Let me clarify exactly what I mean, using myself as part of the example.

IF I made 12-15 dollars a day from steemit, -writing articles and replying to comments – (In my situation, in asia) I would be considerably more wealthy. - 12 dollars a day- in this economy - would make a big difference!

OK, the majority of users at the moment are in US, where 12 dollars isn't much, but where I am in the world, for many many people, 12 dollars is 2 days food - for the entire family.

On the assumption some young people can make a bot, and glean 10 dollars a day from it - it is going to happen. Period.

When it makes the difference of a full stomach or not -ethics and morals will not win out, over hunger -no matter how much you want it to be different.

I want to create good posts, engage in discussions on other peoples articles, and make my 10/15 dollars.

Honestly – if I could make my 10/15 dollars a day by gaming the system (with knowledge I already possess) I would.
Ethics be screwed.

I would still continue writing - don't get me wrong – this is a new, exciting, interesting thing for me. The first one that has engaged in me in good long while – I'm in it for the long haul, I hope.

But it is not the same outlook for others, and who just want to make enough just to live- I.e. most of the population of the world – the US (and western europe) are not the population centers, globally.

So - if this is the case- and more and more poorer countries see the opportunities of steemit, to glean a few dollars each day, where does that leave steemit, as a platform? ( with its current setup).

I envisage less and less quality, more mining bots, less and less real contributors, and eventually a desert, that has been turned into a crtypto currency bot mining machine....

For steemit to continue as the platform it was sold on, it would mean stringent parameters for voting for content.

(duration of post, coherency of post , minimum words in comments to be eligible to vote for article, etc – I'm not a techy)

I'm still trying to stuff my cardboard bot I made, into the disk drive – its not working very well so far...

Am I missing something blatantly obvious ? -that makes this future different from the one I see?

I am seeing it from a human behavior perspective.

Images not mine.


Yup...I believe you summed it up pretty good.
What can be done about it
SHOULD anything be done about it?
THAT's another question.

note...parameters can be set by the gateway (steemit.com, busy.org, chainBB, and others are in existence NOW...more to come)....Not everyone needs to use the same gateway...

The BlockChain doesn't care.

That is indeed another question.
The maths, internet and human behavior would suggest a one direction of the site... (which, for the likes of us, is not ideal)
Of course, that would also suggest that a steemit v.2.0 will come along - IF there is a niche to fill - which i believe there is.

Ostracize, may still work - using tribe theory - self regulation in small communities, before 'entrance' to the wider one?

Voluntary members, guards of the keep?(reward based for helping in the the activity?) by topic, in groups, for approval? (not on content - on whether bots or not)
Just throwing it out there....

using tribe theory - self regulation in small communities,
Steem City
unfortunately he's put it on hold.
IMHO that's indeed what is NEEDED. Small fortresses for like minded people excluding everyone else.
It would have ZERO effect on the BlockChain as a whole..but would be a safe haven for the clan.

Valid points raised.

During my last 16 months here, it’s been an up-and-down relationship - enthused at the potentials, disillusioned by the pitfalls, and bouncing in between. The system is far from perfect and is what it is, challenges and all.

Tough questions to face, however.

This platform is a few thousand different things to a few hundred thousand different users. Many have been allured with the prospect of “decentralization” - but the reality will never live up to the ideal, and there is a degree of chaos that’s bound to exist as the platform evolves.

And another tough part: yeah, there’s alot we don’t see.

Who here knows how all the decision-making processes occur that shape the direction of this platform? Any hands up? Didn’t think so.

We can grasp bits and pieces of fragmented discussions here and there, though to my knowledge, there hasn’t yet emerged the order or structure that the answers to these types of more difficult questions can be clearly discussed and effective put into action. It’s still a bit of the wild Wild West.

But then again, what do I know. Or what do any of us know that justify an authoritative standpoint over such a Decentralized network and community. Perhaps there is opportunity to really take responsibility in changing course to a “better” direction - though it’d take alot of time and energy invested thoroughly keeping tabs on discussions, building relationships, and working away semi-behind the scenes, as there surely is taking place amongst some members.

Many different dimensions to this space...

nice take on it , and yes, I agree with all you said.

If it is the wild west, (which it is) I fear it will become a bot site, just mining a crypto.

Great for the owners developers, not so much for content creators..

When it makes the difference of a full stomach or not -ethics and morals will not win out, over hunger -no matter how much you want it to be different.

This such a good quote from you.

Every day I think about this very hard, should I make myself not go hungry, should I beg for the whales to check out my post, should I use bots again? If my mythical quality content won't get seen, I might go for a full stomach again.

everything is better when you are not starving!

(if things are really bad for you, btw, I can probably give you some work - not really looking for any more employees - but can help you out if struggling)- you know my history, our job. - No hidden agenda.

(You can eat, have your own house - and write here, for $250 a month, if you aren't partying- but you probably know that already! doh!)

The house is so tempting lol. But I have my place I rent here and you are aware of my startup project atm - I have to finish before I start traveling again. We'll see what's life like in the next couple of weeks. I have a post about tadaaaaaa - hunger. lol Sorry if you always ignite my creative spirit - however limited.

This post was resteemed by @steemitrobot!
Good Luck!

Resteem your post just send 0.100 SBD or Steem with your post url on memo. We have over 2700+ followers. Take our service to reach more People.

Pro Plan: just send 1 SBD or Steem with your post url on memo we will resteem your post and send 10 upvotes from our Associate Accounts.

The @steemitrobot users are a small but growing community.
Check out the other resteemed posts in steemitrobot's feed.
Some of them are truly great. Please upvote this comment for helping me grow.

I give you 100% upvote ok now .please upvote and follew me please

Your points are valid and I posted about this issue few weeks ago. However steemit will not be doomed because changes will be made HFork 20 ( I wrote about it). Bots upvotes have always been an issue and there is n way we can stop it because it adds to innovation here. The bad one was discussed in my last mont posts including https://steemit.com/bots/@charles1/bots-steemit-killer-or-a-strategic-use-of-time
Upped...good post indeed


We need curators to curate the curators, and preferably curators of the curators of the curators. Seriously though, EBay has a feedback system which is hard to abuse. It’s easy to tell the value of each vote by looking at his history and who votes for him. Incestuous behaviour and shills are quickly “outed” on Ebay. Why can’t steemit do the same?

aHHHH! - (I have never used bay - doh)

Disparity of wealth, globally, well might be the downfall of this platform.

Keep working, stop paying.

As long as there is a 'medium of exchange', there will be slavery to the holders of that medium.

The haves will rule the havenots.

I agree with you, totally.

(not 100% how that pertains to my post?- am i missing something? lol )

What is the point of improving Steemit when the goal is to end money by devising a better way?

Perhaps one that has already been devised, and rejected, by those that rule by force?

Ah! ok, makes sense now - I'm only on my second cup off coffee!

...as no one knows when the reset will be, (I envisage sooner rather than later) and it what form it will take - it still makes sense to continue improve things though
(in regards to steemit I mean)

It is a conundrum.

Do you continue to put effort into the old, dying system, or do you devote your energy to educating the dupes on their dupedness?

You have to decide for you what percentage goes where.

devoting your energy to the stupid is a losing strategy ! lol

Well, you got to bring along the slow kids in the class to get anywhere like consensus, imo.

That is why I simplify, keep working, stop paying, rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Crowds are moronic, not capable of reasoning, only reacting.