A solution to inappropriate flagging? ( ones based entirely on ideological differences....)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Imagine if the 'collective of free speechers' contributed directly to the victims of ideological flagging?
Send some steem directly to the victims...as an organized 'collective'
(I love using that word when it applies to 'us')


Only those lacking the skills to partake in intelligent debate decide to flag, and that's only due to the weak ideologies that can't be defended (imo).
And we all know which side of the spectrum they seem to inhabit.

My posts for example, range around the 40/50 cents, to a dollar and a bit more... (roughly, I haven't worked it out).

Imagine if the victim of an attack, had an average earnings of, say, 50 cents per post....
That's a collective of 50 people donating 1 cent a day directly, per post. 4 posts per day is only 4 cents each.
This will tide them through the tough times, and more importantly - show solidarity against the tyrants, and give much needed support when you are suffering the attacks.
It's not pleasant to be bullied from people that you can't fight back against...

I'd almost guarantee , that there are enough people willing to contribute in this way, thus making 'the truth collective' stronger - and very possibly, over time- completely nullify the power of big SP holders, and ideological bullies...
So much so that the 'stupid flags' could stop altogether.
There would be no point in doing it...
This might encourage the flagging mechanism to be used as intended...


Your thoughts, my fellow truth speakers?

The more I think about it, the more sense it makes.
Because it would all be manual process, on an individual basis - it doesn't need to scale up or anything.
It's an 'as is' procedure...

And very simple to apply. Very.

resteem this people, this just might be a solution to a very big problem we have here...

edit: - I'll do the 'leg work' if need be, to coordinate redistributions etc..


"Only those lacking the skills to partake in intelligent debate decide to flag, and that's only due to the weak ideologies that can't be defended (imo)."

Your opinion is worthless garbage. No one should feel obligated to debate with racists or homophobes. It just deserves a flag and contempt. It's like debating religious nuts or people who think the earth is flat, by engaging you we have elevated the status of your stupid opinions to the level of being something worth discussion.

People are getting flagged for hate speech, it has nothing to do with your political viewpoint. Steemit is not a safe space for hate, it says right on the button when you flag

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag

Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling

What part of that do you not understand?

Your comment itself highlights the problem on this site and in the world. The arrogance of people still astounds me. I don't believe the earth is flat and I don't believe that everything written in the bible is absolutely true but I am open to the possibility and I'm not arrogant enough to laugh at people or be rude to those who believe things I do not and to dismiss it because I 'know better'. (I used to be about 10-15 years ago). Being open minded, even to ideas that you find repulsive or ridiculous is essential if there is to be progress.

You can flag who you like but your flags come from a confidence that is unfounded and a refusal to consider other possibilities.

"By engaging them we have elevated the status of your stupid opinions to the level of being worth discussion".

How breathtakingly arrogant and self assured.

Using excuses like "They aren't worthy of debate" is weak. It's like the people who not only refuse to debate the Holocaust, but shut down those that do and introduce laws to prevent debate. The truth needs no laws to protect it and if you feel there is no point in debating particular topics that is fine but to make judgments and proclamations that you are right and everyone else is wrong about whatever topic you think you have the moral/intellectual high ground is ridiculous and makes you look like a fool (just like you think that anyone who considers that there might be a creator or questions the assertion that everything we see in the world arose from a single celled organism that appeared out of nowhere and randomly mutated is a fool).

Just because steemit.com wrote up some "reasons for flagging" doesn't mean someone should flag for those reasons, or even that they are valid, or that they are the "end all be all no questions asked".

That is some of the reasons that steemit.com lists as "reasons for flagging". Last time I checked Steemit Inc

  • Laid off 70% of their staff
  • Grossly mismanaged their money(should have sold tons of SP as prices went up so they could bankroll their company for decades).
  • Don't understand how to advertise and bring in new users(Gab/Minds/Voat are exploding with user growth)
  • Fail miserably on their costs of running their own servers(which are like 10x anyone else's server costs)
  • Have horrible communication on what they are doing
  • Communities? Remember those? Yeah 2 years ago they promised that...
  • Are creating SMTs even though the ICO craze on other blockchains is over and ICOs in general fail 90% of the time/are scams/lose investors all their money
  • In general are pretty incompetent.

I don't look to them for any guidance on anything and neither should you.

Anyways, more to follow.

who defines "racist"?

you..when someone disagrees with you?


This has been going on, from I can tell from snooping, since the beginning
in 2016. His rep was negative for awhile. Ned and Dan had plenty of opportunity over the years to stop this Trigger Trash. I believe the problem is larger than just him.

Thanks, l. Over night somebody has done that for me. I don't know if it will hold, but it was breathtaking and astounding. There is a white hat here.

...in terms of upvotes you mean? -cool.

I was thinking of a system to circumvent the flagging to the content producer altogether...
At the end of the day, fighting flagging wars is a losing battle if the attackers have massive SP's.

If 'we' had a system to make sure earning were not negated too much during the attack, it would probably incentivize them continuing attacks (because the 'victim' would still be growing their account)

Cheers - I just left a comment there.
It seems to me that using the system (upvote and downvote) can never work in these cases.
The big SP users will always abuse the position, and there is nothing small user can do.
Even countering with infowars, leaves things in the air...
If 'we' knew we could post, and stil recieve something direct into steem account - it would make life much 'easier' in your mind (if you see what I mean)

It's a system that can't be gamed if it manual. (no bots)

There are not that many cases, realistically - to cause a big time problem to organize it, either..

Can bots be identified? If there is a full proof way, we "little people" need to start by rallying against their usability on Steemit.com.

The 'fool proof' way is exactly what I have proposed!

Work out average earnings, and get people to send steem directly into the 'victims' account.
Just needs organizing - I'll do it with the support from people

Sounds good! I'm in.

I still want to see ideological downvoting limited though.

I have zero faith in the few big people at the top (who knows who controls what on here?).

I have faith in my own integrity to dish our real steem to people who are losing from downvoting though...
Just need committed supporters to do this, and then we totally circumvent any negative actions done by childish idiots intent on destroying steem...

They may even give up - when they see their 'targets' account still growing ...

I had a long back and forth with a witness yesterday with details on this. Lemme see if I can C&P a chunk of that for ya, l.

At the end of the day, fighting flagging wars is a losing battle if the attackers have massive SP's.

One approach is to use many free accounts to post the same post with links to all the other accounts in each post. You can wear the biggest of whales down that way. Once the accounts go into negative rep create more.

Any Dolphin and greater can get free accounts. It takes me about 4 days of RC regeneration to get a new token at my minimum Dolphin level.

lucylin1... lucylinN. 😎

I love this line.
''Only those lacking the skills to partake in intelligent debate decide to flag, and that's only due to the weak ideologies that can't be defended (imo).''

I was asked if i 'believe in' hate speech about a week ago. I had been flagged and was voicing my own opinion about that. Not as eloquently as yourself. sad but true

Wow, @ abusereports flagged you "for posting ignorant trash on our blockchain," and then goes ahead and spams your page with no less than 4 posts of the same mindless message... I guess perceived "ignorant trash" and so-called "hate speech" is bad, but spamming is good :) Even though "ignorant trash" isn't listed as a common reason to flag & "spam" is...
Screenshot 2019-01-10 11.41.41.png

Just goes to show the hypocrisy of these 'ideological' flaggers and that your idea is much needed to counter the anti-free speech folks on Steemit. Thanks for the post & great idea @lucylin! Take care.

I don't know if donating would help but something has to be done

You have been flagged for posting ignorant trash on our blockchain.

Kindly piss off and GFY.


It would keep the spirits up of those under attack, and also stop the incentive of taking funds away, to destroy an account(as a reason to flag..)

You have been flagged for posting ignorant trash on our blockchain.

Kindly piss off and GFY.


...done on case by case basis - based on their history here...

I will participate as much as I can in anything against this abuse

You have been flagged for posting ignorant trash on our blockchain.

Kindly piss off and GFY.


We need to do more using our own collective downvote/upvote power while donating and/or delegating. What we are fighting over is the block reward. Adding and sponsoring accounts with delegation is a good way to multiply your efforts.

I agree , we have to start supporting each other in all ways possible . If we can get few hundreds users to join this fight we have a good chance of shutting THEM down

You have been flagged for posting ignorant trash on our blockchain.

Kindly piss off and GFY.


I would pitch in to that.

Also, remember to delegate to @freezepeach if you want another way to nullify opinion flags and flag abuse. Even a 10 SP delegation, helps!

Free the Speech!

Just upped my delegation to 100 sps yesterday.

Pretty good idea. Better than upvoting in response to flagging. It seems like something ripe for automation: anti-flag insurance.

I have an account name that was reserved for anti-flag insurance last year, but I'm not all that interested in saving this place from itself and it's tyrant cliques anymore.

happy new year matey!

the more I think about this..the more I think it might be something with much more potential...
Still letting it fly around inside my noggin'...
...but the kind of 'giving the power to...' kind of thing - that may be very well up your street...

I need to think ...thinking hurts.lol

I found a way to make thinking hurt less.

Use less thinking about this place, expecting a logical outcome and more thinking about just anything else on Earth or beyond.

Happy new year bud!

So, @freezepeach isn’t good enough?

It isn't effective in combating big players from a serious down voting attack.
(check out @mepatriot as an example).
This system is playing their game. It can destroy accounts.
This circumvents this dynamic.

I'm not criticisizing freezepeac in the slightest. ( but 'we' are playing a game with rules designed to favor those with massive sp's)

I'm thinking of ways to mitigate vindictive down voting to the point that it is no longer viable as a way to destroy users earnings.
....the victims account still grows with direct steem going into their account..

This may act as a disincentive to personal vindictive attacks... Peoples accounts will still grow.

As of now, the “victims” have the following options:

  1. Silent curator
  2. Silent vote seller
  3. Delegate to bid bots
  4. Profits from dapps/other operations —> rare to nonexistent

Of course, like you mentioned in another comment, it’s case by case. Some people would think they qualify, but the irony is lost on them.

It is quite apparent when their is some ideological victimization going on..( from what i've seen).

I didn't know it existed. Thank you!

Good start. He's an easy target. But probably not a relevant one for very much longer.

... but I'm not all that interested in saving this place from itself and it's tyrant cliques anymore.

So why do you linger here, @sircork? It can't be to try to persuade folks to vote for @noblewitness. 😅

the amount of flagging (thinking only th epolitcal forum of ocurse), is small.
Automation allows for gaming the ssytem.
It's small amount of people, its easier to have someone t take responsibility, check out earnings (non bot only, for example) over a week long period, workout the average lsses through upvoting, and request x amount divided by the 'guradians of free speech', to then be sent to the account.

Seems like a very simple, non gamified solution to stop people losing money for saying their truths..

If the post average at 50 cents, and they compensated anywhere from 45 to 50, who's gonna complain? It's about keeping things 'right'...
A simple human solution.

If the destruction of an account is taken out of the equation - (it is growing in steem just the same with direct payment) , then many flaggers probably will lose any incentive to even continue...

Still thinking it through, but I think i'd be happy to take it on, if I have enough people happy to contribute...

...maybe get a list of confirmed supporters and take it from there?..let me have a think...

I will support this genius idea and delegate a couple of hundred sp if that's any use 😀 !tip

I think it has big possibilities to change the future dynamic of how people with big SP arbitarliy sanction against smaller people just because they don't like there ideology...

Thank you, btw - let me work on the idea... (it looks like I could be a could 'test run' after yesterday! lol)

happy new year matey!

the more I think about this..the more I think it might be something with much more potential...
Still letting it fly around inside my noggin'...
...but the kind of 'giving the power to...' kind of thing - that may be very well up your street...

I need to think ...thinking hurts.lol

🎁 Hi @lucylin! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @cryptothoughts!

Check out @cryptothoughts blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Cant do much against arrogant bitches with over 100,000 SP flagging bots

you could use up all of its power by making more and more comments and posts. Just keep posting until the flags stop

Impossible against their half million SP

open a new account maybe?

I think we need something to replace Steemit with. Now it is sabotaged from within by the devs and witnesses whom 90% of them is in the pockets of Deepstate operators like DRLab etc.

Fully agree. I just felt them on my skin when I wrote a post about Steemit censoring @thedarkoverlord.