How to get rid of negative emotions?

in #bloglast year

Negative emotions are unavoidable, everyone knows that. But not everyone knows how to use them for good, rather than harm. Here's a little guide:

One. Understand that negative emotions are just signals. Anger, jealousy, disappointment. Your mind is telling you that something is not right in its opinion. So, see these emotions as signals.

Two. Express your emotions. It's important to clearly understand what you're truly feeling. It's easy to get confused. Is it insecurity, anxiety, fear, shame? Working on the issue becomes easier when you have a clear understanding of what is causing these emotions.

Three. Ask yourself what triggered these emotions. Why do you feel this way? Did someone deceive you? Is something not going as planned? Did your partner offend you? Is life not going according to plan? By discovering the cause, you will be able to understand which direction to move in.
Four. Decide what to do with the situation. Some things are beyond your control, and you can't influence them in any way. In such cases, you need to accept and let go. And if you can influence the situation, make an action plan to eliminate the cause.

Five. Focus on finding a solution. If the problem, for example, is a lack of money, you can: cut expenses, find a better job, look for additional work. It's important to focus on the optimal option for you.

Six. Create a clear action plan. Plan how you will eliminate the cause of the negative emotion. Then put it into action.

If the negativity is related to an event that you cannot control, acceptance will help. And if the cause is your actions or inaction, then the six steps mentioned above will help you thoroughly analyze the situation and find a way to get rid of negative emotions. Use them.