Bitcoin has a long way to go
Those of us who are active and involved don't understand why more people aren't excited about this blockchain technology!
But the same is true for almost any emerging technology. Take video games for example, which were largely misunderstood until recent Graphics advancements have made it obvious, and yet still people are not super psyched about video games.
Unless they are, which means that Bitcoin enthusiasts need to know their Market. If you have interest in increasing adoption, you should know who you are trying to appeal to.
Not everyone is into trustless encrypted peer-to-peer digital cash. Some people are however but this year we need to Market to people who are in our niche.
The Best Is Yet To Come, but there have been huge advancements over the last year and it is time to distill the wheat from the shaft as they say.
Posted using Partiko Android
It sure needs to go a long way. But it will keep moving ahead only. Innovations like that are rare to get extinct
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