That time I fractured my tibia and was stuck at home for three months!!!!!
Hi fellow steemers this is the story on how I broke my tibia. So it was a normal boring day and me and my cousin were playing games on our tablets. So later on in the day my unkle dicided to take us to the park.

We were on the swings and going down the slide with my little cousin. He decided he wants to go through the holes in the rock wall so instead of me and my older cousin going through the hole we decided to climb over the rock wall.So my cousin jumped off the rock wall and I didn't want to jump off so I told my Uncle to put me on his shoulders. So he did and then I jumped off and landed wrong on my left foot.

It sounded like somebody grabbed a big stick off of a tree and snapped it right in half.So at that moment I was terrified I knew I broke my leg. At first I tried to walk on it I couldn't even get off the ground.After that I just started screaming I had a panic attack.To be honest it really didn't hurt I just felt a lot of pressure and I was in shock.When we were going to the park it felt like it took 20 minutes to get to the park but on our way back to my grandpa's to drop them off because he was taking me to the hospital if felt like it was 10 minutes.

We had gotten to the hospital and the first thing they did was give me a big orange pill to take away some of the pain. I'm not that good at taking pills but when I took that pill I was surprised because I had never took a pill that big.Finally my aunt got there and she tried to get me through the pain by distracting me in a conversation. My mom was working at the time and she couldn't leave because she's a nurse at a nursing home so she wasn't allowed to leave right on the spot. But eventually she did get there.

After she got there they told her that I had fractured my tibia when I heard the doctor say that I was scared.Eventually after like 2 hours they came back and put me in a above knee cast.They were saying that I was kind of going crazy because of the painkillers at the point I told him that I wasn't going crazy but now after thinking about it I actually believe that I was going crazy. I guess they were right because I said that I felt like Iron Man in the cast.

After we left the doctors all of us were starving so we went to Applebee's.As soon as we got there I was already starting to daze off.Finally we went home but there was a problem me and my mom live in the third floor of a house. So most of you must be wondering how did I get all the way upstairs. My stepdad had to carry me up the stairs. After a while I got the hang of it and was able to hop up and down the stairs with one foot.

And it took quite a while for me to learn how to use my crutches but eventually I got the hang of it. Most of the time I was at home using my tablet because I couldn't go outside and play or go to school.When I broke my leg I decided to grow out my hair it was short at the time but then it turned very long. Eventually after they took the cast off I cut my hair.When they took off the cast The First Time I wasn't allowed to walk on my broken leg. They took it off for 2 weeks.Then they put me in another cast. The cast they put me in with only two below my knee.They told me I could walk on it so about a week later I asked my mom she can go to the school and ask if I can come back.

The nurse said as long as I can walk from class to class I can come back. So I did then about two weeks after thatt hey took off the cast and let me walk on my barefoot.I was so happy that I was finally out of castbut I still wasn't allowed to do gym or play outside at recess.A short while after that they told me that I can start doing gym and playing at recess.

So that is the story of me breaking my tibia as always please follow and if you have any questions or feedback please comment and I will answer. Thank you guys very much for the support on my first post and by fellow steemers.
Such an awesome awesome kid !
Glad you're here on Steemit Mr. Junior !
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