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RE: The frightening tale of the FLATWOODS MONSTER and UFOs over Washington told by Frank Feschino Jr. !

in #blog7 years ago

No mam I'm not. In regards to comments, the best thing to do is to just go into replies and answer queries from folks that way. With money making strategy? There's an infinite number of write up's and I've read most on the topic. The consistent theme seems to be that until your following is 1,000 plus that it's boils down to the submission sinking or swimming in the first four hours after submission. So it's the long journey to that number until it begins to get easy I guess. At the moment I'm submitting articles in other languages. I understand some Russian and Korean as I've lived in both countries so I have a rough idea of how to use Google translate then rejig the grammar so it reads well to those users. I also have a friend helping me with my Chinese posts. So far this approach isn't taking off. However I was talking to a friend who lives outside of St. Petersburg and apparently Steemit is slowly gaining recognition over there, so I will continue to plug at the Russian category and occasionally play with the others to see what comes of it. If you do any Big Foot write ups they may gain traction in the rn category. Didn't know if you were aware but the Russian government funded a Yeti research center a few years ago that's still running today? It's a big country that is incredibly diverse, but interestingly I've encountered more open minds over there in regards to cryptids than I have in the west. They love the topic. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful on the money front, but I can say that you are doing extremely well for having just started. Most don't get the quantity or sum of votes that you have in their first month. Basically your kicking behind and taking names for a new comer. So clearly you're doing something spot on. I can't encourage you putting yourself on Dtube strongly enough though. That could well add a huge jolt to your Steemit presence. It's a tedious chore but well worth the work. Sadly you can't bring the videos straight over from YouTube as they will need to be converted, but I think the labor will pay off. You have a great product and bring something incredibly unique to Steemit so I have no doubt that in 60 days time you will be doing incredibly well here. As always, if there is anything I can do to help I will. Just shout. :)