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RE: The frightening tale of the FLATWOODS MONSTER and UFOs over Washington told by Frank Feschino Jr. !

in #blog7 years ago

Right. I hope the following is helpful:
Editing the categories won't resubmit a post as new. Rather it will alter the post in that category at the time you posted. I.e if I edited a new category on a post from 3 days ago then it wont re-post it as new in that category feed, rather it will re-post it in that time frame from three days ago. Also, try to remember that once something is posted on the block chain there is no deleting it. You can edit, but deleting isn't an option. The best categories to post in for your type of content are life and blog. They are among the highest paying categories on the site. You can still put paranormal, cryptid, radio, etc as the more post in that category the better the chance it will eventually become a known and recognized category.
Life and blog will get you out to many who otherwise wouldn't see the post.
Your category selection in your introduction to the site should have had the category listing as follows: introducemyself introduceyourself steemit steem life
But don't sweat it. You can do another post and rather than introducing yourself you can introduce yourself as bluetalk radio coming to steemit or something similar, if you do it in those categories you may find the response better than the initial one. I'll certainly resteem, but I'll wait a week after you have posted to reintroduce your post into the feed as new. In reality this isn't dishonest as you didn't really bring yourself over as the station, you came over as a person which is good, but the other way around will attract attention of more influential users as many want pre-established projects and channels on the site.
Listing times can make a difference and you're right to assume that. I posted a write up on home security that pays out tomorrow at the 80 usd mark and I threw that up at what would have been around 9 in the morning eastern time.
In regards to videos.... It's a big ask as you have a lot but bring them over to Dtube after you have rewritten your intro as Bluerocktalk radio station. You will have to convert them on a video converter site, as moving videos straight from YouTube to Dtube doesn't work like it does in a post.
However, Dtube will benefit from your content as you do great work and it is engaging. Also, it's better you get your content up before others do as copyright is an issue here and you're the creator so you deserve the credit/votes.
You will see the promotion area. This is good for some users who are desperate to get their stuff recognized.... But in my humble opinion your work is definitely good enough to walk on its own and earn votes. If you ever do try to promote a piece it basically works on the basis that the more you pay the more visible your work will be.
In regards to your keys:
This is massively important. If you are logging in with your master password then stealing your account info and your steem will be done eventually as every time you post a user can go onto steemd and see your keys. What I do is only log in with my posting key and have my other keys written down on paper and backed up externally. The only time you need that master password is for account recovery purposes. Otherwise, click reveal on your keys, copy them and store them safely, and log in on your posting key. You will only need the others when it's time to do something financial on the site.
In truth, your one of the first to really bring this topic here seriously. Stoics, and cynics abound on steemit and the other end is poetry and art with some fiction writers thrown in. Some good, some bad. You're in a whole different ball park so brace for criticism and a little critique. On the other hand you will also find really receptive people who are great and will bring their own stories. I'd love to see programs like Where Did The Road Go, Dark Waters, George Noory, Nick Redfern, etc. on here. It would be awesome and in many ways with some persistence you could easily blaze a trail here. If you are streamlined as the paranormal outlet/station you are you can really do well. Check your wallet in a bit and I'll send you a message with my email attached to a small donation. I convert everything to steem power so not a lot of change knockin about. Feel free to shout me in regards to further questions or if you need any help with Dtube, posting, questions in general. In regards to your introduce yourself post... I'd swipe again but as a station. You can't plagiarize yourself and you certainly will attract more notice that way. :)


Wow, thank you! I will have to take these a step at a time. I appreciate the help. I followed you up on the intro, I just posted it.
Now to do the rest.
I don't understand the DTUBE. I did try the Dmania for memes and it didn't seem to reach very many, is DTUBE the same?
I am still shouting out, lol
~ Connie 🖖

Dtube is great. Unlike Steemit which your post once submitted getting lost in the constant feed, Dtube is search based. Everything you post on Dtube also post on your Steemit blog as well which gives you a shot at double exposure. All votes on Dtube go to your Steemit wallet as well as Dtube is part of Steemit. Add to this the major plus of never being demonetised and it's a win win. Dtube is in its infancy much like this platform, but as time goes by improvements will continue to be made. To translate your videos over you will need to use an online video converter. There isn't a need to pay for this. You basically down load your video to your downloads file off of youtube then go to the site and drag your file over and click the desired format. Once this is done you copy the URL like any other video and go to Dtube and upload the video. The awesome thing is once it's on the block chain and if it's linked to your Steemit then all revenue that comes from it will always go to you. If you're promoting yourself to your YouTube subscribers telling them to check you out on Steemit and Dtube then you stand an awesome chance of bringing them over as well. Dtube will eventually grow but it may be a year or two. On other notes, I mentioned you to @jerrybanefield who's a whale on the platform. He had a section asking other users about what they were doing on Steemit/helping the platform so I mentioned you in comments as someone who could use a look. Basically whale fishing on your behalf. I hope you don't mind that but I figured it could lend a hand as one vote from a user like that could raise your rating, give you some cash, and overall bump you along. I also intend to promote you in contest and mention for reward posts to help you along as much as possible. Occasionally minnow promotion groups on here ask for users to recommend posts they believe are under valued or should get more attention. You and two other users I have actively promoted for some time are at the top of my list. I'm meeting up with a couple other Steemit users over the weekend as we have managed to arrange a meetup on our common ground of paranormal interest despite our different professional backgrounds. I'm going to also bring you up there as well. I hope all this helps and if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. In regards to another subject entirely, did you see that The Disclosure Project has had all it's videos yanked off YouTube? Wouldn't be surprised to see some of the more prominent researchers who's reports of ET's are gathered from former government sources begin to disappear in truth. Another great thing about Dtube. What goes on the block chain stays on the block chain. Shout me with any questions and I'll jump right on it. :)

This is amazing stuff!! Thank you for your help and kindness! I will start getting to this. I have a full weekend and on Coast Saturday night, but then onto this.
~ is there some where thats lets me know i get a now comment? I keep looking thru everything, its too much.
~ Whats your best strategy for the money part. I have been given a few ideas. I need the break down of steps in a list. I am clueless
~ are you GarageRockRadio by chance? :)
~ Connie

No mam I'm not. In regards to comments, the best thing to do is to just go into replies and answer queries from folks that way. With money making strategy? There's an infinite number of write up's and I've read most on the topic. The consistent theme seems to be that until your following is 1,000 plus that it's boils down to the submission sinking or swimming in the first four hours after submission. So it's the long journey to that number until it begins to get easy I guess. At the moment I'm submitting articles in other languages. I understand some Russian and Korean as I've lived in both countries so I have a rough idea of how to use Google translate then rejig the grammar so it reads well to those users. I also have a friend helping me with my Chinese posts. So far this approach isn't taking off. However I was talking to a friend who lives outside of St. Petersburg and apparently Steemit is slowly gaining recognition over there, so I will continue to plug at the Russian category and occasionally play with the others to see what comes of it. If you do any Big Foot write ups they may gain traction in the rn category. Didn't know if you were aware but the Russian government funded a Yeti research center a few years ago that's still running today? It's a big country that is incredibly diverse, but interestingly I've encountered more open minds over there in regards to cryptids than I have in the west. They love the topic. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful on the money front, but I can say that you are doing extremely well for having just started. Most don't get the quantity or sum of votes that you have in their first month. Basically your kicking behind and taking names for a new comer. So clearly you're doing something spot on. I can't encourage you putting yourself on Dtube strongly enough though. That could well add a huge jolt to your Steemit presence. It's a tedious chore but well worth the work. Sadly you can't bring the videos straight over from YouTube as they will need to be converted, but I think the labor will pay off. You have a great product and bring something incredibly unique to Steemit so I have no doubt that in 60 days time you will be doing incredibly well here. As always, if there is anything I can do to help I will. Just shout. :)

Actually, I just had a thought. I recently have tried launching contests. The current one has a bitcoin prize and literally no one will touch it, yet when I look at the other contests, they all are kicking butt. The reason for this is that they offer rewards in Steem. The community seems to go mad for these sorts of things so maybe if you used your radio program along with your blog you could start a contest with a Steem prize? Perhaps even advertise the upcoming broadcast a week or so before with that involved? If you offer a sweepstakes or competition for twenty Steem but make 60 or 70 in votes you're still up plus the followers you gain. Most competitions make resteeming part of the whole requirement to entry so this could really give you a boost. As I said, a thought. You'll want to make the brize in Steem though. I've tried everything from EOS to Bitcoin and no one bites. I use those currencies simply because I hold large quantities of both. The Steemit thing I'm trying to build with zero monetary investment to see where it goes. But on Steemit it seems that contests have to be executed with the currency of the realm or not at all. As I said, a thought. :)

A link for the free video converter site I use:

cool, thank you. But kindly, why do this over the way I am doing it? Its so simple. What am I missing?
~ Connie🖖

@mudcat36 just letting you know i have had trouble with Dtube

Okee dokee. What's the issue? How can I help? Also, as a heads up, I did a write up on a recent scam/phising con that's sweeping our dear Steemit at the moment that you may want to read. It's incredibly worrying as it's a toughie to catch so I'm getting the word out. Given that your category is really something that I think will compliment Steemit even more I don't want your account hit so give it a read and make your account safe. There's two pieces on my blog. One I resteemed that a witness caught and the one I put up that shows minute by minute how the scammer con's others out of their hard earned steem. On other notes, wing as many questions as you like on the Dtube topic and I'll be happy to help. :)

Yikes! Sounds scary. I will take a look, thank you.
i got my description, title and video in but it would not let me add the thumbnail. even when it was the right size, it constantly said error and would not let me post. After several hours, I gave up.. 😕

I have had the same issue. I normally refresh and start from scratch if it hasn't uploaded in ten minutes. In regards to the thumbnail, I use their take a snap function and it behaves smoother on the upload. Steemit has had a lot of denial of service attacks recently as has Dtube so some days it has to be left. As it's early days these issues are being sorted out so hopefully it's not a permanent thing. It is rather time consuming but certainly worth the effort to post your videos. On other notes, I don't know if you caught @dollarvigilante recent interview with D Larimer on EOS but you may want to give it a gander. It's a great crypto summary and extremely informative. :)