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RE: My Reawakening and Why Steemit is Fucking Flawed

in #blog7 years ago

And also, have you seen the trending page? It's almost embarrassing to show new people the platform and reveal the posts that get the most upvotes. And NO, I'm not being one of those pessimistic motherfuckers saying to hell with everything, what I'm saying is that this platform as it is in its current state supports a community where people are walking on glass, trying not to step on anybody's toes.

You're on the fucking trending page. You're telling people not to be fake as fuck.

You bought your fucking votes to get here.

That tells me you don't even believe in your own bullshit enough to be satisfied with where it leads.

Does it look like I'm worried about stepping on your toes!?



Yes I did buy votes the get here 🙏🏼 While I see the long-term consequences of this it was still a decision I wanted to make, and with the the large amount of positive responses I still stand by that decision and the fact that a lot of people resonated with this.

Appreciate your honesty as well, I really do, and thank you for dropping by the post and leaving your thoughts. ✌🏼

I just felt like giving you a hard time. I said what I said with a smile.

I'll tell you this right now. If you act plastic, you'll attract plastic.

I don't have this problem of self censoring. I've met some of the greatest people on this platform because of it. What you say is true. Walking the walk and talking the talk are two different things though. Some of your message today was lost in your actions. It set off a few bullshit detectors. The real ones can smell it. LOL.

Don't worry brother really, no hard feelings at all. 👍🏼

Yeah and I agree, not much to add really, I understand and respect your perspective. I see how I made a few errors that I would correct to not create that gap of congruency you're referring to if I were to rewrite the article.

Anyways, have a good weekend 🙏🏼

I'm not worried. I knew there wouldn't be any hard feelings.

Making mistakes is a good thing.


"honesty" is not always the best policy. Part of "telling it like it is" is being accurate and effective - unless you don't care if people read what you post. And you can become more famous by being "infamous".

Best of look with this new path.

I remember Dave Chappelle's Show When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong -

I am thinking for days to make a presentation post and you just gave me the motivation. Telling what you think rarelly pay short term but if you believe what truly believe what your say, it will pay long term. I am new on Steemit and maybe a bit enthusiast but "Hope is what makes us live" ps : No I did not invest money in bitconnect X)

I felt the same way after I read his post, kind contradictory...I am glad you @nonameslefttouse point out...

lol I do agree with some of the things he's said. However, if you want a douchebag platform to post on try twitter. I mean at the end of the day I kind of like the community being nice and helpful. I remember a time when people used to be nice to each other. Not just for something in return. If you have the patience and put in the work, I don't see why you can't be successful too. That also goes for anything in life not just steemit.

He may be confused or a hypocrite even,, buying his way to the trending page, but what is the other way of getting to the trending page for someone like him?? All real estate on the trending page is whale property, isn't it?? How do you get a house in a posh neighborhood?? By paying of course. Is that hypocrisy??

Don't ask me. Ask the thousands of people who worked hard to get their house how it feels to have their home bulldozed and pushed aside by someone who thought their house was better and more deserving of that land.

So all posts on the trending page are results of hard work?? No one else bought their way in??

If you want to get high, buy some crack cocaine. Everyone else is doing it, right? Get everyone hooked. Great idea, right?

How does the neighborhood you speak of look now, after crack cocaine? Worth investing in?

What does that even mean?? Without being offensive to each other, can we have a conversation around who deserves to be on the trending page?? The current system is absolutely biased towards anyone who has the ability to spend money to buy a spot irrespective of content quality. That's exactly what has been done with this post. Then why do you disagree?? If you disagree with vote buying then all other posts here should also offend you, if you disagree with someone new buying his place here then I don't know how and what to respond.

If you disagree with vote buying then all other posts here should also offend you...

I'm not offended. I just thought it was humorous to watch someone say one thing but do the opposite. My response was lighthearted. You just missed that part.

I was hoping he'd come along and shoot the shit with me but instead I got you.

You started talking about houses so I started talking about crack.

Not everyone buys votes. That's for people who see what they think is success and want to emulate it without putting in the work. Much like buying a car you can't really afford. Everyone knows that type of person exists and around here they put themselves on display. Whatever. It's not offensive. They're the ones who have to live with their decisions. Thousands of people lost money trying to get ahead by purchasing those votes. That doesn't offend me. That's their problem. It does become annoying if I find a new member with an outstanding post, I vote for it, and some asshole comes along and pushes them off the ladder because they think their shit post is better. Whatever though. People remember that kind of stuff. Not many will want to support them later on. That's life.

I agree with you completely. I really didn't see the humor, my reaction really was the result of not seeing good posts on trending. Posts which deserve to be there. I don't say I deserve to be there but there are others. All this talk about decentralization of power and here again it's centralised among a few massive Steem holders. I agree, that's life.

thank you for speaking truth against abuse of power. now everyone with a shred of conscience should bounce from this stupid fuck blog never to return... then at very least least go & check out nonames blog... and that is the least we can be doing here in order to try to do whats good and right. and you know it

I actually look for the most obscure and creative artwork and try to upvote it here on Steemit!

A lot of the action here reminds me of the quid-pro-quo one hand washes the other approach to business, so, for a platform that aims to smash the corruption and censorhsip paradigm it is failing.

I like the cut of your jib.

Ha ha ha. You are right.