Obafems 31 keys to Happiness #1 Discover the purpose of your existence.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Discover Purpose

Failure to identify the purpose for the existence of something would lead to abuse and this could be disastrous. Imagine a person who erroneously uses salt to sweeten a cup of tea just because salt and sugar are white powder? This indeed is the mistake we all make when we fail to discover our true purpose in life.
Sometimes I wonder why I was born to my family, in my country and in this Continent. Other times I wonder why I do the things I do, why I have certain gifts others lack and why I lack certain gifts others have. Again I wonder why and how all these defines my reason for existence or do they really do? As Aristotle famously said, contemplation is the highest form of activity." Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Is there a reason, any reason at all for your existence? Am sure there is! Does answering this questions affect your happiness or unhappiness? Yes they do! It is really painful to observe scenes from a city where millions of people hurry from one point to another in a bid to make another dollar, mindlessly chasing money thinking it brings happiness and satisfaction. The sad truth is that there can never be true happiness if you haven't discovered and harnessed your own purpose in life.

Why is it necessary to discover your reason for existence?

Discovering your reason for existence and Ultimately your purpose makes life a lot easier for you. It makes your navigation in your destined life path faster, easier and less hazardous. Imagine a fish trying to navigate it's way in a jungle? Or a lion trying to navigate through a city or perhaps a monkey in a desert where there are no trees? Their lives would be miserable and short. God who created these creatures puts them in their specific habitat for a specific purpose. Now, what about you? Are you in your zone? Are you where you are designed to flourish? You can only answer this questions if you have discovered your reason for existing. It is crucial you determine your reason for existence for the following reasons:

  1. There is an inner joy and satisfaction that comes with doing that which you are cut out to do.
  2. You accomplish your goals easily when you are within your natural zone. A fish moves faster in water than anywhere else.
  3. There is an abundance of job satisfaction when you do what you are destined to do.
  4. Making use of your God given talent puts you in a position to touch lives positively.
  5. A sense of fulfillment comes with doing what you are cut out for.

How to discover the purpose for your existence

To discover your reason for existing you
must deeply contemplate on this philosophical questions:
Is there purpose in my life?
Is there meaning?
Am I being true to myself, to my life path and purpose?
Is the life am living really the life I want to be living?
There is a great chance you find it difficult to answer one or two of the above questions. That simply implies you are get to discover your purpose for existence. You need to contemplate on the next paragraph seriously.
To understand the purpose of something, it is important to ask the manufacturer. If for instance you just bought a 2018 SUV and you don't seem to understand some of the gadgets in the vehicle. The best way to find out is to consult the user manual provided by the manufacturer of the car. Same applies to us humans.To understand our purpose in life we need to consult our creator. Because he made us, and even before we were born, God has already known what we will become.
You can also discover your purpose in life by taking a close look at yourself. You need to ponder over these questions.
1 What are your talents?
2 What do you enjoy doing?
3 What gives you joy?
And lastly is there any activity you enjoy doing so much that even if you won't be paid for doing it you will still do it anyway?

These are critical questions whose answers can only be supplied by you. I hope you find the right answers because your long term happiness and fulfillment in life depends on it.