A Call girl. A couple. An Erotic adventure. A roller coaster. #1

in #blog7 years ago

This is a true story, all events in it are true. Some names will be changed, to avoid legal issues of people i would prefer not have legal issue with...

Maybe I should call it fiction instead, to avoid sticky issues
There is enough stickiness in these stories.

An introduction

Part 1

"You know what I do", she laughed, " I'm a hooker. "
It takes a lot for Me to be lost for words, but this time was the exception. I just looked at her.

"Melissa told me you were an escort ", I finally replied. It felt like an hour, but was probably closer to a decade.

I was SO aware of her, I felt like a pubescent teenager again. She was unlike anybody I had ever met.
The first, and only time - in my life- when someone literally took My breath away.
She laughed, and in a very well educated, upper class accent. "Escort, call girl, hooker – whore, whats the difference? I fuck guys for money, lets not be coy."
('She sounds like Keira Knightly', I thought dreamily , in four weddings and a funeral)

I love it when people talk directly. I was in heaven.
I also find it incredibly, sexy.

I had been invited by my friend, Melissa, to a party she was having. "You just have to meet Nat", She said, all girly and excited, "You two will, like, so get on - I can just tell."
She paused, "there is one thing -and I know you - and I know it probably won't bother you, but I have tell you – and don't you dare tell her I said anything, promise?"
"Go on.........", I replied.
"Well", She said awkwardly," it's a bit weird to say really, but...."
"She is a call girl!", she blurted out, quickly following with, "Not like a hooker on the street or anything, it's all very upmarket, and everything "
"Cool," I said, genuinely nonplussed. It takes a lot to shock me, and that really doesn't come even close.
"I've never met one of them before, are they like, normal people, and everything?" I said teasingly.
"Fuck off,", she fired back, "She really is, very sweet, you really wouldn't know what she does for a living.", She blurted out, sounding relieved, somehow, to have finally said it to me.
"She sounds posh, and she's really, really clever. And I think you two will just, you know, hit it off." - A quick intake of breath, before continuing " But I just thought I should tell you what she does, ya know. Just in case."
"Just in case ....?"
"If you do fancy her, you know...", she said, trailing off.
"Honey, stop stressing, - you know me, most girls can't handle me,anyways , I'm not expecting anything. Relax"
"I know, thats why I thought you two would be great together – most people can't handle her, either!", she said, laughing....

Me and Mel had never been boyfriend and girlfriend, as such, but we were good friends, and somewhat kinky, fuck buddies.
At the time of the party, we still were.
Only earlier, before our chat about Nat, she had enjoyed a yogurt I had made for her earlier.
She went out, and loves it when I present her with a 'special yogurt' on her return.
Naughty, naughty girl. ...(but that's a whole other story).

I didn't get to speak to Nat, all night. Not really - but I was very, aware of her presence.

She was dressed very casually, in skin tight, tan colored corduroy trousers, with knee high, tan boots, and a plain white blouse. Legs that went on forever...She looked beautiful.
Bollocks to Mary, 'There was something about Natalie', that's for sure.
She looked incredibly attractive, naturally as ease with herself, and very confident.

(all photo's my own content, no reproduction, blah, blah, something, darkside)

This was not the hooker I had expected. She looked normal for starters. She did not look like a hooker. (how exactly IS a hooker to look like, exactly?)

She was quite quiet, until spoken to, and then she lit the room up!
I found myself eyeing her up, and wanting to catch her eye all night, but party life politics construed against us, and did not speak to one another - except for an awkward, forced smile, 'Hi', while passing each other in the kitchen doorway.
Maybe tonight wasn't 'the night'.

I am not much of a party person, to be honest and much prefer the intimacy of a few people (or two, even better.)
I do not light up a party, so much as glow quietly, and comfortably.
My natural, quiet intensity, does not fit seamlessly into banal conversations that parties hold.

Small talk and myself, are not very good friends, to be honest.
I would go far as to say that if I met small talk in a dark alley way, I would probably kick it hard - in the nuts – twice.

The party was winding down, and there was only a few people left.

I found myself sitting next to her, on the sofa.
That's not strictly true – I sat there, and used my tractor beam eyes, until the gravity of my stare, sucked her up and promptly dumper her next to me.

And then we talked.

We talked like two best friends that haven't seen each other for years, but comfortably take up exactly where they left off...

And THAT, is how I met Natalie.

And THAT is when I, We, fell in love, on the night.
Totally. Love a first site.

We so fucked each others brains out, that night....and the next, and the next....

(she never asked me for any money, if you cynics out there, are wondering)

If you enjoy reading about this journey, one tenth as much I enjoyed living - it you will be one, very happy, bunny.

I will try and post each day, as well as others erotic stories in my life. ( you do want to know all about that yogurt, don't you?)

Enjoy the ride, and buckle up.

It's a bit of a roller coaster...be warned.

Cheers PW


Steemy read....hot damn!!!!! Thanks for sharing 🤤

my pleasure - that's not hot - whats coming is hot! ill try to post the adventures everyday. enjoy - its all true, btw!

Ahh, so it has begun! I included you in my curation thing, upvoted and resteemed!

And I'm never eating unsealed yogurt again!

or wondering about girls thoughts, when playing chess? lol

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I fuck many prostitutes in my life. there's a good thing in fucking whore first you have no obligation if she will get pregnant and you don't need to date her no fancy thing that you need to please her all you have to do just pay the price that she's asking then fuck and leave. the bad think is. is not safe i know we use condom all the time but who knows if you accidentally acquires something that you will regret it later. now it's been 3 mos. i stop fucking whore since i saw this fucking pussy in facebook with lot's of worm in it until now i puke when i remember that pussy.

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