Getting into youtube life...

in #blog7 years ago

We all have phases in our lifes.

We all at some stage try to be healthy.
We all at some stage have the party stage.
Relationships stage, single stage, work stage......

Right now im in the **''what the hell am i doing stage''!

I have tried entering many fields. From shop clerk, waiter and many inbetween to where i am now as a 3D artist.

Now with this you can't help but find yourself interested in certain things. Animation,video editing,youtube can see where im going with this.

So having started recording, animating and editing vids. I realise how much work it takes. So to go edit and record vids after a full work day is exausting.

BUUUTTT very surprisingly i have found a partner in the gaming community who is taking some weight of my shoulders now.

Here's our first vid togheter. Please do know it was loose and language control was not a thing.