8 great lessons to learn from a child

in #blog6 years ago

Can we take a moment to truly appreciate kids today? I say this not only because today is children's day but because children all over the world truly deserve to be celebrated.
Pixabay image

As much as we spank and correct our children, as much some kids frustrate their parents, you will agree that there is a type of joy and gladness this kids bring.
There is also a lot we can learn from these kids.


  1. Faith

This may sound awkward but kids are full of faith. Kids exhibit faith more than adults, they believe that what seems mostly impossible can become possible.

How many times have parents deceived their kids about something only to discover that the kid believes it will happen. I once read the story of a child who wanted a bicycle desperately, having pestered his mother for months she sought the best way to put him off and she decided to tell him that he should wait until the day God brings the bicycle to their doorstep. He sure waited and one day, a certain rich kid who had just packed into the neighbourhood needed a play partner. Of course he couldn't ride his bicycle alone, he needed company. And so this other boy was given a bicycle.

  1. No baggages or records of wrongs

As much as kids remember things, they hardly hold on to wong doings. Kids don't know how to keep grudges or keep records of wrongs. Even when someone hurts them terribly, they are quick to return to play with the person.

  1. They say whats on their mind

Have you ever felt like slapping your kid for saying something totally unexpected? It is just as it is in the kid's mind.
Although they need to be cautioned, you can't take from a kid the ability to truthfully say what they feel in situations.

  1. They know what they want

I was surprised when my 1 year old niece started choosing her own wears. How possible is that, you ask...she makes noises of disapproval and sometimes flings the piece of clothing she doesn't want away. A handful of children will easily state what they want.

  1. They have great sense of imagination

Kids are good with imagination. If you have a kid that draws it is a plus. Kids will imagine a lot of things and still act with it. I still remember my childhood days, how I miss those days. I will imagine having a family, children, owning a business and having customers and emoloyees.. Funny enough, I take time to act out the imaginations, improvising with a lot of things.

  1. They know how to be happy

Kids know how to remain happy. Even when a sad situation occurs, they don't stay buried in this for long. They move on.

  1. They know how to play

Kids are naturally playful. If only adults can learn how to play more and not just work, many adults wont be living or walking corpse, like is the case. A lot of people die from cardiac arrests, stress related diseases and hypertension daily.

  1. They ask questions

The older we grow, the more difficult it gets for us to ask questions. The reason this is so is quite unexplainable but one realises that certain adults want to always act like they know it all. Thereby avoiding what is really important, and what they really should learn.

In conclusion....

I Celebrate children because they are the present and they are also the future. They always in their own little way, remind us of what we have forgotten as adults


this is so interesting to read happy childrens day

you welcome

Memang sudah seharus nya kita menjaga anak anak dengan mendukung apa yang mereka inginkan. Asal bertujuan baik dan tidak menyalahkan aturan dari keimanan masing kita juga berguna buat keluarga dan negara. Semoga anak anak kita semua bahagia sampai dewasa. dan Saya sangat senang dengan artikel yang anda bagikan yang sangat berguna bagi kita sebagai orang tua.