Floating Away - change, endings and beginnings

in #blog4 years ago


Walking down the high street, on my way to work,
nothing strange, nothing not normal, just like any other day
until that pain flares in my chest and in my shoulder
and suddenly I'm falling over.

Flesh and bone hit the pavement, but I'm not there,
I've gone already because today is no ordinary day,
Today is the day I'm floating away.

From above I see myself, lacking in motion, causing a commotion
amongst the passers-by and I ask myself should I laugh or cry?
But none of that matters, not today, because today is the day I'm
floating away.

I stare down my at body, far beneath my dangling feet, I see just myself,
then the surrounds and roof-tops and then the whole street and
I'm getting higher and higher and soon I'll see the whole city in which
I used to live because today is the day I'm floating away.

This is extra-ordinary, this floating away. I'm sure I should
be scared and shouting and screaming, but this floating away
seems the most natural thing in the world, like I always knew it was
something I would do, that today would be the day that I would float away.

I have a moment of regret because I've not had the chance to say goodbye
to all those who I love and care for (hey, sorry guys, but I had to fly)
but I know, like the soil knows the rain, that we'll meet again because
todayis not the first time or the first day that I've floated away.

I didn't always do things right (be that by omission or commission)
or achieve all that I could or should and I didn't always live my best life
and, yes, there was love but also there were harsh words and anger and
strife. But none of that matters, not today, because today is the day
I'm floating away.

And I think of the bills and the debt and the struggle to make ends
meet, paying the rent and all the energy spent just to live a life so
ordinary and of all those who said they were my friend but were not,
just there for what they got, and the betrayals and the lies and the
precious friend who dies. But none of that matters, not today,
because today is the day I'm floating away.

And I think of the good times, the nights out, the drinks and the laughing,
the pick-ups, the crafty shags, being young, a good film, a better book,
the music and the dancing, the things I did that worked, the money I had
(before I lost it!), being lucky, knowing what it is to love and be loved,
endearments whispered under the covers, being in a better place than so
many others. But none of that matters, not today, because today is the day
that I'm floating away.

And I think of the really shitty stuff of life – the fakes and the freaks and
the cheats, the exploitation, the abuse, the promises made and never
kept, all of the times I've sat and fucking wept, the kids starving in a world
of plenty, the privileged son who's rich before he's twenty, the barbaric
cruelty we inflict on animals and each other, the old and the rich who live
off the blood of the poor and the young, the you're too fat, you're too thin,
you're too gay, you're too straight, you're too black, you're too white,
you're too left, you're too right - hey, fucker, do you want to fight?
But none of that matters, not today, because today is the day I'm floating away.

I'm leaving it all behind, I'm floating away on this special day. I'm moving
faster now - the street becomes a city, becomes a county, becomes a
country, becomes a continent, becomes a globe and I feel my
consciousness explode into light and...

I'm not just me any more...

I'm me, I'm you, I'm a rock, I'm a bird, I'm a flower, I'm the soil and
I'm the rain, I'm an elemental power, I'm everything and nothing.
I'm Alpha and Omega.

I am the Universe.

Today I have floated away.