🐍 Snakes In The Garden - Be Careful Who You Trust

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

This post was inspired by many things I am seeing happening on steemit. First I would like to say that I love this platform and ever since I got here, it has done nothing but good things for my life and finances. I really appreciate what this platform has done for me and other people.

With that being said I am realizing that the steemit community is not as great as I had thought. Most of the people who I have come in contact with we're cool peoples but there are always those snakes in the grass. Since I got here i've had to deal with a few people (whose names I wont mention) that fit this category. People will come on here, send you digital smiles and the whole time they will be plotting on you, or trying to take your spot.

Why you ask? Because of money & notoriety..

Money is something that has shown to cripple the world, leaving all of us at the mercy of a piece of paper. And I see the same thing happening here...everyone on here is here to make money, let's not kid ourselves. But some people here have a "I dont give a fuck" approach to things, and it's these people you have to watch out for.

If your'e new here

If your new to the platform.. BE CAREFUL who you make relationships with and who you talk to. There are alot of snakes out here that would love to pick your brain and steal your ideas for what you plan to do here. I've seen it happen before and it's happened to me and I have only been here for 2 months.

Obviously this is a social network and the point of being on here is to meet people and blog about stuff, but just know that not everyone here is on some "community" shit, and a lot of people here are completely full of their own egos, and will try to present to you a different person.

Just like in life, when you meet new people..we almost never trust them immediately. The same goes for steemit, don't put any trust in someone with things you don't feel comfortable losing. Stay on your p's and q's and after a while it will become clearer who on this platform is genuine and who is full of shit.

Digital Drama

Yes it is real..digital drama happens, and if you're new here you might not see it happening yet, but stay a while and you will. I got off of facebook 2 months ago after I got here, and I love steemit and most of the people here that I have met have been great, but there is always those "slitherers" so just watch out for them! Associating yourself with the right or wrong people will make or break you on this platform. Just stay aware with what you're doing on here if you are really trying to build a brand or a business. If you are just here to read blogs and have fun and make a few dollars sometimes, then thats cool too...this post probably doesn't pertain to you. But for you hardcore steemians who are new here and who are trying to find their way, please take head and warning to my advice. Be careful.

With that being said, I'd like to thank everyone who has genuinely shown love to me and has supported me since my day one of coming here.

  • @whatamidoing - my brother...always has a piece of great advice for me
  • @jphenderson - has shown me nothing but love since day one, always respect bro
  • @theprophet0 - my lil bro man..we learning and building and growing together. Cant wait to see what you do!
  • @theprophet - you already know brother, synchronicity
  • @richardcrill - you've helped me so much already, and I know you probably don't even know..thank you man
  • @sirlunchthehost - you already know bro!...God moves
  • @mckenziegary - mckenzie, Lord of the Darkside :D
  • @decentralizd - nothing but love for you homie,
  • @papa-pepper - you helped push my rap challenge, and I respect you a lot bro.
  • @alao - Love your energy bro, we must link up one day
  • @verbal-d - I know you waiting to still get ya ass kicked in scrabble haha, soon!
  • @eddiebxxxx - my dude has been putting in rap challenge work since day 1!
  • @alexvan - always has been super supportive of me
  • @nanzoscoop - I see you brotha, and I appreciate you
  • @akrid - I like our rapport my friend, and you've always been respectful of me
  • @steemitqa - since day 1 you've kept me in the loop, steemdevelopers ftw!
  • @kryptik - one of the coolest guys here man, hands down. We gotta link one day bruh
  • @epicdesigns - love this guy and his designs, thank you man!
  • All the rap challenge contestants

If I forgot anyone I am sorry, I smoke a lot of tree, my memory ain't always perfect, lol... But just know I fully appreciate everything we have been and will be building together! As always my people..peace and blessings people, and remember WATCH OUT FOR THOSE SNAKES



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7


much love, thanks for the shout out.

I lay low on facebook eversince i started Steemit.
Having thousands of friends there means thousands of drama too. :D

It feels like home here on Steemit. Just don't mind the rare dramatic downvoting dramas. xD

Hahaha... Keep on encouraging and upvoting! ;)

There might be snakes but there are also a bunch of good people here just like those whom you've mentioned in your post. Treasure them :)

I learned that lesson pretty early on in my arrival too. I confronted the person and they seemed completely oblivious that taking all of my work and making profits from it without sending any of it my way was a valid reason to be upset. I quickly learned that our ideas are not our own. We can only own our actions, and although I acted first, a leach can still try to get ahead.

My advice is to keep your cards close to your chest and when looking for support to pursue an idea, only reveal the most necessary details and do it behind the scenes before releasing anything on the blockchain. Everybody is out to get money, unfortunately not just support us.

I think better rewards for real non-bot engagement might incentivise people to be more supportive rather than just leach ideas to blog about.

Your advice in the last part of your reply is the most honest thing I have ever heard on steemit @beanz. People coming here pretending they're our friends but in reality they can do some serious damage to us. It's better to remain a little reserved on steemit. Everyone is here for money, that is the fact. Most of the WHALES I have encountered don't even reply to the comments. They just care about other people who provide benefits to them.
So, it's clear to keep your primary work reserved and keep yourself reserve too if you really want to grow here. and trust only those who respect your work :)

Like anything in life you gotta stay on your toes! Always a few snakes lurking around every corner just begging to make your life a living hell.

I gave up on all social media a long while back. Honestly its a bunch of people that want to be your friends...really they just want to snoop around in your life. I have no use for facebook especially. Here I certainly think most people are in it for the good things, but as always a few jerks always must exist.

I also resteemed this post so other new steemians are aware :)

When your content is real and there is quality, people see it. You can copy content but not quality.

Nice post! This is a mostly healty community and almost all people will help you and that's mutual but there is always jelaous and greedy people who are here just to take as much as they can despite morality! Take care and grow good people

Sad part of life is, there are always those who do not honor the golden rule. They will do anything to get ahead, even fake friendships and relationships. Nonetheless, all we got to do is learn and try not to get caught again. And most important, continue being the best you, you can be despite the drama. Don't let anyone hold you down.


To improve quality - you still have several easy to stop typing errors ;)