Welcome to Eden(not perfect)

in #blog7 years ago

Today I have a plot to share with the steemit community. Disclaimer I'm not a professional writer this is just a tale I want to share.

I wrote this plot a when I was a freshman in h.s. now I'm a freshman in college soooo it feels like ages ago I was looking through my old stuff and found it. It was a dead dream to me I've forgotten how much I love films and wanted to write plots for films. So without further ado here its.

Genre: SyFi, action, psychological, adventure;

Prologue: Eden was built as a paradise for mankind. There is no president no judge, no money. Nothing ever goes wrong in omega. Everyone lives in abundance.

characters: Alice, alfa, mom, dad, and other characters that don't have a name yet, I don't even know if the main character name should be Alice.

(This story is inspired by the matrix, wall-e, and all the anime tv-shows and movies I've watched(not all but you get the point).)

plot: from a very young age Alice and her friends were told they live in a green and blue marble call Eden.The Eden empire built incredible monuments to celebrate there GODS the Alfa and Omega. They were created in the image of their GODS and have some of there authority he commands.The children group up knowing they are special and a natural owner of Eden. It was created for them and their happiness. When they got older they went on a trip to the Eden space station to see the beauty of there world it was the most magical moment in the there lives.
This certainly inspires Alice and fuel her love for adventure. Alive and her parent's traveled all over Eden. Seen a the major places. The Eiffel Tower, the pyramid of Giza you know the story. But nothing can compare to the beauty of seeing Eden. Alice and her friend decided to travel the world to find hidden beauty having fun enjoying life. she thought life was to perfect, she didn't work for all that she has. Besides she can always come back she thought. they travel for a year or two maybe three. the reach a small house in the middle of no were. All they can see is green fields. A men step out of the house. "If you wish to travel further you must come with me". He asks the kids if they really want to ride past his house. "you must renounce your rights to call your self an Eden... you might be able to earn that right again if you ever find this place". they confused all they wanted to do was travel. Without a care in the world, Alice agreed. He asks them to drink a glass of water. He insists. they past out for about a minute when the woke up. he removes a something from the back of her neck. they were naked. she felt cold. When they decide to live they can see hexagons in the sky it was a dome. when the went thru the dome. Eden was gone. they where in a desert all they can see is sand in all directions.

to be continued if people are interested the first decentralize movie maybe idk. could be fun (still in the work rough job)

ok just finish this I was watching the super bowl what a game for those in the US they probly know what i'm talking about. It sad for brady great character too much