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RE: Mycotoxins

in #blog5 years ago

Hey there, thanks for reading and commenting!

The exact problem of most interesting fields of science.


I am quite afraid of organic food at the moment

I'm not a big fan of organic food either. Some of the things they do might be quite alright, but some effort to fulfill the requirements AND to stay competitive are just beyond stupid. E.g. using "no pesticides", but instead spoiling the earth with copper sulfate, which is a mineral and thus officially "organic", but has exactly the same effects as a persticide/herbicide (=killing weeds and microorganisms), just that it's more ruinous to the soil than most common pesticides.

Plus there is no proven health benefit of organic agriculture, propably because a) pesticides are strongly regulated (at least in the EU) and b) any positive effect of lacking pesticides is checked by the plus of natural toxins like mycotoxins.

I also tend to buy local instead.