in #blog6 years ago

We are all familiar with the phrase “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, it’s a very popular proverb, yea?
Have you ever found something you weren’t looking for? Probably while you were looking for a pen in your drawer, you stumbled on a drawing you sketched 5years ago or maybe you found an article you wrote years ago when you were hardly any good at it… it could be so exciting looking at them, holding it in your hands, inspecting it, knowing that after all these years, you always had it safe, the memories that it carried, the smile it brought to your face and the sense of pride, you were probably looking for something you considered was important at that time but you found something else, that joy!
Its feels good to search for things and find them but it feels even more glorious when life gives us what we didn’t know we need. Life doesn’t only throw bad stuff at us but also good surprises and how delightful those surprises are!
I don’t usually chat with strangers on social media, for me its awkward chatting with all these people, people I don’t even know and who don’t know me either. I know by this I come off as weird but, oh well … I have been called weird so many times. You would say “that’s what the social media are for, right? Meeting new people… no matter how strange these people are, that’s what you signed up for” I know, I know but maybe I signed up for some of these social platforms because I was pressurized by my peers at the moment, but it’s cool to be involved in a big thing, yea? Something the whole world seemingly is involved in, it’s just that sometimes, it feels like its caving in on me. I am not extrovert and I may never be, but I have good friends, they may be few and I may not talk to them every day but I know they got my back and I got theirs too and that’s what friendship is about.
I have held on to this mentality so much that I may have lost the chance to make more incredible friends, with all the stale HIs and HELLOs on my messengers, maybe I have lost a potential friend in the trail of unanswered messages on all my social accounts.
You may be asking at this moment “so, what really opened your eyes to all this?”
Oh! I met a beautiful soul on the same social network I despised most, and I still remember that morning that he typed my name and added two exclamation marks to it, actually he wasn’t that much of a stranger but well … we had a short conversation 2years ago, which is so long ago, my problem may not totally be in making friends but also in keeping them, connecting with them and finding the time to hang out with them too. I got chatting with this beautiful soul and he was fun and funny.
His name is Jawn Tee, he bakes incredible and tasty looking cakes as well as other pastries, and he is just awesome, apart from my other close friends I chat with, he has become one of those special friends I come online to chat with. Getting to know ourselves, unveiling ourselves to each other, surprise by surprise, learning and having fun as we do. On social media platforms, where majority of these people are but strangers. People become fake, trying so hard to live the life of a celebrity, compromising their values for fame, posting and saying all manner of lame stuff so the world would accept them. In the midst of all those kind of things and people, by luck, I met one of the few people who don’t lead a fake life, he doesn’t compromise values just for the fame, he is so real, I can almost touch him, he is who he is and yet his soul is beautiful.
Time for the surprise! He is also into music, he knows some good producers and he would link me up, I’m so excited about this; I love music so much and at the back of mind, I do imagine that I could be a good singer someday, writing my own songs, touching lives low key. I really am not crazy over the fame, I just want to do it because I love it, I love singing with all my heart and getting to know Jawn Tee and his musical side is totally thrilling for me.
The next surprise is the fact that we actually study at the same university, and his faculty is actually very close to mine.
Right now, I can’t wait to go back to school, so I could meet him face to face, it would be so awesome, I’m looking forward to a wonderful friendship with him, a fulfilling one at that
Life gave me such a lovely friend when I wasn’t looking for one, “a friend in need is a friend indeed” but sometimes we don’t know what we really need, fate just shows up and throws some good stuff at us, stuff we needed but didn’t know we did. Sometimes, we find the diamond when we aren’t mining, we find the precious stuff when we aren’t looking for them, I got the friend I needed when I wasn’t looking.