IRL Shello 10-21-2018
@shello got her wallet stolen today???!
And here I thought my biggest problem tonight would be the overbooking at the restaurant.

I'm trying something a different for now, gonna write a little diary where I just talk about what's going on in my day to day!
A Math Tutor For My Boyfriend
When I found out Adrian was having a difficult time passing one of his math classes, I did my best to see if one of my many friends could help him improve. Real Analysis, uses proofs and a bunch of funky voodoo number magic that I couldn't even wrap my head around. If you're gonna be a junior in college majoring in numbers, you might be in for a difficult time.
Since I couldn't grasp what his class was even about I had to do some additional research if I was going to find the right person to help someone with this "high-level" math. I decided to ask him for a picture of some of his homework.

Yup, I have absolutely no idea what this is!
I fowarded this to a friend of mine named Melody, who has a degree in Astronomy, and programs for hobby. She needed a little more information to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting into, so I did more digging around. I found an online PDF link to a 500 page book called: "Introduction to Real Analysis," and saw similar scary formula looking things and thought to myself; "this must be it." With that, I forwarded her the link.
She laughed, and asked why he was struggling; "This is basic Algebra". I confirmed that she could absolutely help him on this, and set a tutor session up for earlier today. Her fee was lunch... and a coffee.
I met up with them for lunch and introductions, then had to bail out immediately after for work.
Showed Up Half an Hour Early
And I was rather livid. I don't want to come to work to solve someone else's mistakes! When I walked into the bus station however, I was surprised to see Vivious—who I refer to as my right hand, my partner in crime. She wasn't even scheduled to work today, but there she was with enough linen folded for every seat on the floor. She knows I lose my shit over people not doing prep work when everyone is capable, and she was again there to catch my back.
The night was rather busy, and we had indoor and outdoor seating. My seating rotation was done properly, and there was no wait for tables, even with our stacked reservations and insurmountable walk-ins. Everyone did a pretty good job at work. We did have the one guy who flipped his shit over a soda, but whatever happened to him before being a guest in our location isn't a reason to want to almost fight the staff.

Amino Apps
All that "AFTER MATH"
I got to message Adrian when I was on break to see how his tutoring went. I was surprisingly met with many apologies. He felt as though he wasted Melody's and my own time with his request. "She showed me some things, and I do understand better. She wanted me to read the book. I didn't know there was a book."
Wait. By book, did he mean that PDF I sent over?
It turns out that the reason he was struggling in this class was that his Professor only provided homework packets stating that no book was needed and that everything was in there. A lot of the basic steps he needed to learn weren't in the packets, but in the actual book I happened to send. He felt worse knowing that he didn't care enough about his class to even look things up, and here I showed up with a person to actually tutor him.
He downloaded it to his phone, and has been instructed to message Melody if he needs help—the internet saves us again.

Stolen Wallet
I got a ride home from my manager, but began receiving some strange alerts from my credit card company. One transaction that was declined, and another that was refunded. This would have been fine, but these both happened during my shift. I casually reached into my bag before realizing my entire wallet was gone. Luckily for me, the cards I use super frequently are actually in a different pocket in my bag.
Without saying a word, I got home and cancelled all of my cards. Working in a busy restaurant can be dangerous for several reasons. Let's add theft to that list. I did inform my manager who was worried, but for me, it was so that no one would have the same thing happen to them at our store. Hit up fraud department and cancelled everything in there.
I mean, jokes on them trying to steal from a broke person! I do have to replace things like my ID, but there was no irreversable damage done.
My next challenges are a morning server shift, followed by a wedding?
I think I'll be ready.

A big thank you to @turtledance24 for this beautiful art of me and Adrian

Thank you @bollutech for this art!

Gotta be calm to problem solve!~
Hahaha :D It makes me a little sad though. One day no one will have a need to steal!
Wowww, what a crazy day. By the way, I want to learn math too! Come to me, Melody.
I haven't had my wallet stolen. Well, once, but I was too young. I've had my phone stolen though, sucks :(
She's a saint c;
Having things taken by others I feel just shows the overall health of the world. Although it is prevalent in my immediate surroundings, I dream to see a world where everyone has enough y'know?
All good, just replacing various things inside!
@shello you are an absolute delight and your writing skills are exquisite.
Thank you @lizbethk,
I'll do my best to keep it up and I'm glad you enjoy my little musings~ c: